Chapter 2092 Last Time

Ye Zhifan will also receive the information sent by the following departments at home. It is not important information. I am interested in taking a look. I am not interested in putting it out and waiting for it to be taken out.

When he was just finished with Sun Dongqing, he had any thoughts to look at the information. He went straight to the sofa and stood up and said: “Take the baggage out and go directly to the airport!”

Originally intended to eat Chinese food before starting, a husband and wife confronted Ye Zhifan did not want to stay at home for a while.

Ye Ying did not dare to violate Ye Zhifan, who was the real master of the family. She quickly glanced at Sun Dongqing and bite her lip. She whispered, “Mom, don’t get angry with Dad, I know that everything you do is for I am good, Dad is the same, don’t misunderstand your father.”

“Ye Jian is a military school student, but Dad really didn’t make a mistake. She graduated with a military rank. I don’t want to work hard. The day she graduated into the army is the day when my compulsory soldier retired.”

“I went to the airport with my dad. You take care, wait for the holiday and come back to see you.”

Compared with the previous blind Ye Ying, she is a lot of sensible things, but her temper has long been raised a little “floating”, a little bit of something can not hold back, the mouth is always better than doing.

Because Ye Zhifan is learning about her daughter, she will be reminded all the time, and she is afraid that she will miss the opportunity to get it.

Now that I have heard Ye Ying’s understanding, Ye Zhifan feels that his efforts have not been in vain, and she has a lot of know-how.

He also doesn’t want to quarrel with his own wife who is sad, although the two have no feelings, but after all, from the young to the present, the daughter is so big, what do they mean when they quarrel.

At the same time, Ye Zhifan’s tone was softer. “They are all in their forties, and their temper is even worse than when they were young. After the daughter is not at home, I really have to let you be a little, so that my daughter is not allowed. Still worried about the family.”

Although the tone is softened, the half sentence does not mention Sun Dongqing going to the airport to send Ye Ying.

He did not mention Sun Dongqing and knew what the reason was. He even knew what he said just now, but in order to let her daughter feel relieved, she did not care, she did not care.

She is not afraid of him coming out to chaos, as long as he dares to come, huh, no one can think of it when he arrives, and ran to the URA, the provincial government, so that he could not keep the U-shirt!

The reason why Ye Zhifan did not propose a divorce was that he was afraid that Sun Dongqing would run to his own unit and be patient.

No way, Sun Dongqing is something that can be done, not afraid of shameful shrews.

Saying “I am going back to the room to take the luggage”, Ye Zhifan did not look at his wife and turned to the room.

His patience with Sun Dongqing has long been absent. If he said that he was soft, he would look at his daughter Ye Ying.

Ye Ying, who knew that his parents’ feelings had problems, saw that they were no longer arrogant, and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn’t know who to help, and she couldn’t help anyone. It was only squatting.

When Ye Zhifan entered the room, she shook his arm and said: “Okay, Mom, don’t be angry. A director of Dadtangtang is soft to you, what dissatisfaction is there.”

“I have been a soldier. I am afraid that I will not return once in a year. You are only angry and don’t care about me. I can’t often call home when I go to the army. You are less angry with Dad. He is good.” It’s a director. How much do you have to give a face to you outside your home?”

“I told you before, Dad is fragrant now, you always quarrel with him, just push Dad out, when you have to come out with a fox, don’t let Dad go home, Mom, then I will not be with you at that time. It’s better.”

(End of this chapter)

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