Chapter 2093 obeying arrangements

The family can have today, relying on the father of the authority, she does not want to be cheaper.

Ye Ying, who has been studying in France for half a year, has never had a good time in the country.

Sun Dongqing didn’t take it for granted. “We don’t worry about the things of our grown-ups. If you have me at home, your dad doesn’t dare.”

Whoever’s not listening to it, only listening to her daughter’s Sun Dongqing’s anger was gradually extinguished with Ye Ying’s spoiled, but her daughter did not help herself. Her face was still unstoppable and complained: “I don’t care about you, I was very happy, but your dad had to be unhappy! If you are not good, you have to mention the dead girl.”

“Okay, well, don’t mention her. I think now I can’t go back home for a year, and my heart is uncomfortable.” Ye Ying didn’t want to see his parents quarreling and quickly turned away from the topic.

Sun Dongqing, who is still a bit stunned, said that she was so distressed that her face looked distressed, and her eyes looked kindly at her daughter, and she said: “Ying Ying, you have to take care of yourself in the army, don’t let yourself be wronged.”

“If you want to eat well, sleep well, don’t go to trouble yourself. Don’t fight for the hard work, you will do it.”

Ye Zhifan, who came out of the baggage in the room, just heard this sentence. The face that was so easy to ease was gloomy again, and the tired and bitter life did not fight for it? Is her army a home? Are you still picky about doing things?

“Yingying, come and take your own luggage.” Interrupted her words directly, lest I hear myself angry.

Immediately, the driver told the driver to go upstairs to take the luggage, not to give Sun Dongqing a chance to say something stupid, and coldly said to her, “Call to call you in Beijing,” and then quickly bring Ye Ying down the stairs.

Waiting for the car Ye Zhifan to re-raise Ye Jian, it is necessary to let Ye Ying know how far the gap between him and Ye Jian is. Without Sun Dongqing’s interference, the conversation between the two fathers and daughters has remained calm.

The headmaster Chen is also careful about Ye Jian. “When you arrive at the school, you must obey the arrangement. What do you do for the leadership, what do you do. Learn more and learn more, don’t avoid it.”

“Excellent student title is not good, not only you want to have it, but also many excellent students want to get it. Ye Haotou, as long as you do your best, whether you have it or not, you have a clear conscience.”

“I have troops here to take care of you, but don’t worry, don’t be distracted by me.”

Ye Jian was a plane at noon. He returned to the school with the Song Zhiqiu at the airport. President Chen insisted on sending her to the airport. The car was also the jeep that slammed the base. Ye Jian did not stop.

Listening to Chan’s embarrassing woman, she smiled and said: “You can rest assured that I will obey any arrangement. I am afraid of being tired, I am afraid that being involved is not a good soldier. I remember it. If I made a mistake, you will learn from it. I.”

In the eyes of Chen Shu, she is still excellent and the little girl in his eyes who needs care.

“Hahaha, you have to make a mistake, but I can’t take the lesson to teach you. Someone has come to pick you up.” Chan, the headmaster of the airport hall, laughed and laughed.

In front of someone shouting “Ye Jian” across the crowd, President Chen suddenly captured the direction of the source of the sound, pointing to the two tall and tall figures that came over, and asked Ye Jian, “Is it your classmate?”

Ye Jian also saw it and waved his hand and replied: “Yes, the boy on the left is Song Zhiqiu, he is my classmate, and the other is Yang Heng. You have seen it. He is now studying in Australia.”

President Chen’s line of sight has already looked at the two boys up and down through the crowd, and looked at it so that Song Zhiqiu’s heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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