Chapter 2102, past trajectories

Before seeing Du Jiayi, Ye Ying was envious of Mrs. Li. Now that she sees the deity, she is not only envious, but also has the jealousy that she can’t suppress.

If, if… If she grew up in Du, she would… no worse than Du Jiayi, it would not be bad!

She remembers writing a sentence in a book: birth determines everything.

She didn’t quite believe it before, but she could see Du Jiayi… she really believed it!

Being born seriously determines everything!

On the appearance, she is never worse than Du Jiayi! There is no arrogance of Du Jiayi between the eyebrows!

On the temperament, she and Du Jiayi have their own merits, a proud, a gentle, but she does not have Du Jiayi’s arrogance! Not even her, even the end of the water is also elegant temperament!

Such Du Jiayi made Ye Yingshen feel jealous when she appeared on the scene, but she did not dare to reveal a little bit, for fear of letting Mrs. Li around her notice.

Mrs. Li’s self-playing Du Jiayi came in and took care of Ye Ying, who was just happy. The smile that came out was deeply pampered and directly joked. “Your bad words, I said that I can’t finish for three days and three nights, in front of you. I dare to say that I dare to say it when I carry your face.”

“Your mother is right, count the most disobedient, do not talk to your mother about your bad things, and who is bad?” Compared with the eldest daughter, Du deputy chief of staff is more painful but also intimate little daughter, After the joke, he introduced to Ye Zhifan, “Director Ye, this is the little girl who gave me a headache. Jiayi, come over and say hello to Ye Shushu.”

Also pretending to criticize: “Hey, you don’t understand politeness at all, don’t know how to say hello.”

Du Jiayi came in at her home. She took the military cap down and put it on the dinner table. She said with a playful smile: “You didn’t introduce it. How do I know which uncle?”

Dafang reached out and took the initiative to shake hands with Ye Zhifan. “Hello, Uncle Ye, I am Du Jiayi. The bad things that my parents just said are fake. Don’t believe it.”

Generous, decent, and old-fashioned, Ye Zhifan saw at a glance that these were beyond Ye Ying’s.

The southern province has been an official for too long, and he has not encountered a little girl who is as big as his daughter at the higher level. He really wants to have a lower-level daughter who is not as good as himself. In contrast, he still feels that his daughter is counted. Excellent temperament.

Right now, with the daughter of Du’s deputy chief of staff, Ye Zhifan could not help but express his feelings for Mrs. Li and Du’s deputy chief of staff: “Seeing Du Qianjin, I really understand the phrase “Longshenglong, Fengshengfeng, the son of the mouse” It will mean the hole.”

In one sentence, the Du family’s three people were raised. Du Jiayi said “a little meaning” in his heart, and he spoke to Ye Ying in the introduction of Mrs. Li. “It’s really good, I don’t dare to speak loudly. And, even more beautiful than my mother said.”

Ye Ying was somewhat flattered and quickly got up a little. The anxious tone contained a little worship: “Miss Du is more beautiful and very handsome.”

“You are quite honest, yes, although you are very beautiful, but it is worse than me.” Du Jiayi smiled deliberately, looking at Ye Ying’s pair of alums like diamonds, sparkling light.

Her eyes are obviously looking, very arrogant and calm.

Ye Yingben was nervous because of her words, and now she is so much looked at her, it is even more restrained.

Moreover, the intuition of being a girl tells herself that although Du Jiayi smiles at herself, she has a kind of unfriendlyness that makes her feel scared. She does not like herself.

(End of this chapter)

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