Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2103 - Something went wrong, something big!

Chapter 2103 has an accident, and something big!

This discovery caused Ye Ying’s hands to appear layer after layer of cold sweat, so that the phone in the bag has been shaking, she did not find.

Ye Ying’s intuition is still accurate, and Du Jiayi does not like Ye Ying.

Obedient, well-behaved, honest, beautiful, huh, is another want to have a relationship with Du Jiapan, if it is not because her father saved the big brother’s life, he really will not come over to entertain a pair of fathers who do not know which mountain corner to come out Female.

Mrs. Li did not come forward, let her daughter look at Ye Ying, she wanted to find an obedient daughter-in-law, if she couldn’t stand the future, she wouldn’t want it.

“Mr. Li’s wife who looks at you this time is really good, you can come up.” Du Jiayi will not take care of Ye Ying’s mood and send a letter to Li Yuan, his one-year-old brother, downstairs. The lady’s eyes were filled with enthusiasm and talked with Ye Ying.

Li Yuan followed Mrs. Li’s surname, and gave birth to Mrs. Li’s decision to make a decision. The Du family did not have a lot of words, and all of them were led by Mrs.

When Li Yuan came up, he really called “the Lord is in place.”

Li Yuan, who is just 23 years old, is tall and handsome. He has a long-lost study abroad.

However, Mrs. Li’s education is very good, the whole person is very tall and straight, and has the extravagance of the children of the family.

Seeing the younger son of Mrs. Li, her words are more than just now, especially the phrase “My family has never had a girlfriend, Secretary Ye, do you want to be a relative, how do you see?”

A word that seems to be like a fake and a joke, let Ye Yingxin jump like a deer, and wait until Li Yuan smiles and says, “Miss Ye is very suitable for my girlfriend’s image.” Ye Ying’s cheeks are drunk. Hey, blush to let Li Yuan not help again and again.

Ye Zhifan knows that Mrs. Li will not be targeted, and it is true that she has such a point to say that he is a little excited when he is calm.

The two fathers and the daughters were both excited, and there was no cell phone in the bag that was desperately shaking.

After three rounds of wine, the conversation was very happy. The mobile phone shaken in the two fathers and women’s bags was also shut down by Sun Dongqing.

Sun Dongqing heard that both mobile phones were prompted to shut down. The whole person was like an eggplant that was frosted and was weak and could not sit on the sofa.

It’s over, it’s over, and it’s hard to have a hopeful day.

Her disappointing daughter, her disappointing daughter, really wants to mad at her this time!

Sending her to study abroad is to let her study hard, from scratch, but what about her? But she, oh, … mad at her, mad at her!

But she even mixed up with the blond guys in foreign countries, still… and let others reach into her clothes and touch it! Still still… I also kissed the two men’s nests on the sofa, and kissed them!

I am mad at her, mad at her!

It’s like a student, it’s a… (swing) (women)!

Sun Dongqing, who was shocked by the contents of the videotape, was really angry. Although she maintained Ye Ying everywhere, she was the most out of the women who came out of the countryside.

Her most unfortunate thing… her daughter did it all! All done!

God killed!

The face of the whole family has been thrown away!

Sun Dongqing, who can’t get her husband’s phone call, is crying, too shameful.

Too shame! Out of such a shameful thing, she wants to take the root rope to strangle her own, so as not to be poked!

The phone dialed and dialed, and the voice was repeatedly turned off, and Sun Dongqing, who was screaming and jumping again, suddenly rushed back to the room and rummaged.

She is going to Beijing, she is going to Beijing!

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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