Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2105 - What is the name? Pooh!

Chapter 2105 is a famous show? Pooh!

What is the name?


The heart is so narrow, if she is not Du, who loves to care for her!

Ye Ying, who is in the middle of his heart, continues to pretend that he can’t understand Du Jiayi’s cynicism. He keeps a sweet smile, not light or heavy: “No, no, I can be very satisfied with the birthday party of Jiayi. I have trouble introducing Jiayi to my friends, I… I will come slowly.”

Mrs. Lai paid attention to the conversation between the two men. She saw Ye Ying without being polite, and answered her daughter with a little strength. She nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, there is no such thing as a sigh of relief, and it is too urgent to know how to counterattack with a light hand. The visible temper is soft and strong, and the family will not be too weak to be bullied.

The observations tonight are almost the same, and overall it is still satisfactory.

“Jiayi, you are stunned by the temper of the temper, and the temperature is tempered. Mom looks at you tonight, and counts you to be the least honest.” Let Ye Ying pass through the customs, and Mrs. Li finally opened the mouth. Prevent your daughter from continuing to press Ye Ying.

As soon as she spoke, Du Jiayi instantly became a personal, affectionately holding Ye Ying’s arm, and relieved: “Hey, I am exhausted tonight, Mom, don’t call me again in this matter! I am today. I realized that I was so tired as a bad guy!”

“Hey, I can get tired of me, I don’t want to be a bad guy all my life!”

Ye Ying had a wrong face and couldn’t understand what was sung in front of him.

“Sorry, Ying Ying, my mom’s idea tonight is really nothing to do with me.” Du Jiayi blinked playfully and explained: “When my mom told me, I was really embarrassed.” Now, when I see you again, I almost want to leave the burden.”

“There is no way. Who told me that it was my mother. As long as my mother told me that it was a sacred decree, even my dad would not resist. As a daughter, I would not even dare.”

The more the voice is said, the lower the voice. In the end, I will get together with Ye Ying’s ear, laughing and then going down. “Tell you a secret. My mom is quite satisfied with you. You, then, just take my mom alone.” It’s been, as long as my mom is happy, the whole family is happy!”

Ye Ying, who understands what is going on, actually wants to avoid it. Her body is even stiff due to contact with Du Jiayi. The hand that holds her arm does not make her feel the enthusiasm of the other person, but she feels that she feels uncomfortable. tight.

“Well, we will see you tomorrow, go to bed early tonight, come over tomorrow to help me with the guests.” Du Jiayi has always been strong, and regardless of Ye Ying’s willingness to come over and decide directly.

For her, let a little director’s daughter come over to help me in advance, and give the other side a big face, only to catch up with the share, how can I refuse?

Mrs. La, who is strong in itself, does not feel that her daughter is strong. Instead, she thinks her daughter’s arrangement is good. She smiles at Ye Yingdao: “Alright, I will send a driver to pick you up tomorrow morning. Gifts don’t have to be prepared, you are Jiayi. Not bad.”

“You don’t have to worry about dressing up. Just like a makeup artist, you will definitely make you more beautiful and temperament.”

Will the driver be sent to pick her up tomorrow?

Ye Ying, who was unhappy because of Du Jiayi’s stinging words, was happy. Yes, Du is the wife of Mrs. Li. As long as she can make Mrs. Li happy and marry into Li, she still needs to be afraid of Du Jiayi?

(End of this chapter)

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