Chapter 2106, Daydreaming

However, it’s a married woman. How can I compare Li Yuan? Li Yuanlian’s surname followed Mrs. Li, which shows how high he is in Mrs. Li’s mind!

Quickly aiming at the handsome figure who was standing in front of the phone, the smile in Ye Yingjiao’s face became more and more docile.

In the eyes of Du Jiayi, who had all her expressions and movements in her eyes, she flashed a scorn of scorn. The smile on her face continued to hold her arms and puffed her mouth. “Mom, your heart is far enough.” Ah, my friends have never been praised by you, and me, you haven’t praised me for a long time.”

I really thought that her mother could marry Du family? Oh, it will be a daydream.

To Ye Ying, Du Jiayi is inexplicable and unhappy. From the very beginning, he was prejudiced.

Mrs. Li glanced at the daughter who had started to skin up again, saying that it was awkward. In fact, it was a pet in the bottom. “You have to be half full, and I will hurt you every day.”

Lian Du’s deputy chief of staff was involved, laughing haha: “Your mother is right, you have to be half full of good luck, I will also hurt you.”

You can listen to it with politeness. If you can’t take it seriously, Ye Zhifan will not be able to flatter it back. For a time, the atmosphere will be pleasant and everyone will smile.

Du Jiayi smiled and smiled at Ye Ying, who looked more and more uncomfortable. He smiled and said: “Ying Ying, your arrival has caused my position to plummet. I don’t care, I will give you the responsibility of my mother.” La.”

The playful words of the relatives made the laughter of the three adults present even bigger and more beautiful.

Ye Ying has completely touched the way of Du Jiayi’s heart. The whole body bears the weight of her whole body, trying to show the natural smile. Wen Jia said: “Jia Yi, I am happy, and it is my good fortune to be happy. “”

After a while, it will be hot for a while. If you say it, what you have done, the look you have made will be the same for a while. In the words and sentences, you can make the adults laugh. This kind of Du Jiayi makes Ye Ying afraid. It is not even more envious and embarrassing.

In the face of power, Ye Ying is not as arrogant as Ye Jian, even if Du Jiayi is not polite to her, she can be willing to endure.

Waiting for the Du family to get out of the car, and looking at the tail of the car, Ye Ying biting his teeth, his fingers kept screaming at the corner of his clothes.

I don’t know when Ye Zhifan stood up and saw her daughter clenching her fingers. The dark eyes of the eyes said: “This is Du Jiayi’s arrogance. The reason why she dares is because she has enough ability to despise you.”

“The reason why you don’t dare to go back, but also because she has enough to despise your identity, I dare not. Ye Ying, what is a person? People are dare to say what they want to say, dare to do what they want to do. Even if others are uncomfortable in their hearts, they can only be honest.”

There are red leaves in the corners of the eyes, biting the lower lip tightly, looking up at his father, not willing to let go of self-respect, bite his teeth: “I know, so I can only endure, can bear to marry into Li. ”

“Mr. Li is just a joke, you are serious?” Ye Zhifan coolly interrupted the dream of Ye Ying, “What family is Du family? Are you afraid of not finding a famous wife?”

“Ye Ying, these dreams are less to do. You should think more about how to use Mrs. Li’s likes to fight for a place in the military. See if it is possible to transfer to the military academy and become a military officer with a military rank.”

(End of this chapter)

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