Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2117 - Abuse Ye Ying (six)

Chapter 2117 Abuse (6)

Ye Ying, who has never been beaten by Sun Dongqing, is astonished. Compared with Ye Zhifan’s two slaps, Sun Dongqing is much more violent.

“Mom, Mom… I don’t, I don’t, ah… It hurts, it hurts, Mom, don’t fight, I don’t, I don’t really have it.” Ye Ying, who was hit on the ground, bowed his body and tried hard to protect himself. With his own face and head, the heart of the heart is coming from the sea.

How could this be?

How could this be?

Why didn’t even help her mother, why, why?

Ye Yingxi screamed for mercy, but in exchange for Sun Dongqing’s more violent beatings.

“The old lady sent you to study abroad is not to let you learn to go to bed with foreign devils! Not to let you be a **! Not let you change a man for a week!”

“Lao Niang killed you this shameless thing! Good days, but you have to be yourself! You are looking for a boyfriend, Cheng, Lao Niang does not stop you, you give me a boyfriend like Mrs. Li’s son. what!”

“Give me a foreign devil to go to bed, something shameless, who do you learn from! Who do you learn from!”

Just as Sun Dongqing kicked Ye Ying’s head, the expressionless Ye Zhifan’s brow was tightly locked, and he pulled the wife who was rationally lost. “Enough!”

If you fight again, it is really possible to kill Ye Ying.

Sun Dongqing is a pretty woman, a shrew, and she is more savvy than Ye Zhifan. As a result, Ye Zhifan’s attitude is much milder.

There was a video recorder in the hotel, and Ye Zhifan put the videotape into it. Without a moment, Ye Ying, who had a heavy makeup in the picture, appeared in the KTV dance floor with a blond man’s flea dance.

Just looking at a picture, Ye Zhifan, who was angry with the temples, was closed.

It is not framed, not framed. This is to tell him how much he leaves Ye Zhifan’s daughter to go abroad.

Ye Ying, who was all over the body, was so stupid.

How is it possible, how is it possible!

How could these things be recorded as tapes!

Who is it, who is her!

When the picture flashed, it flashed to her blond man who danced and hugged and hugged to the sofa to kiss. The man’s hand picked up her clothes and reached the chest directly. The picture was not plain, just like someone was shooting in front of him.

“No, no! Don’t look, don’t look!”

Suddenly, Ye Ying rushed up madly, and her heart panicked to the six gods. She randomly clicked on the video recorder to take the tape out and destroy it. The more urgent the chaos, the more chaotic it was, the more she couldn’t take the tape out. When I called, I even picked up the video recorder and went straight to the wall.

No, no, she didn’t do those things, she didn’t, she didn’t!

The movement was too loud and awakened to the guests of another room. Soon the hotel waiter came with the lobby manager. It was because of this guest that Ye Yingcai did not continue to be beaten by Sun Dongqing.

I explained that Ye Zhifan, who was sent to the lobby manager, sat down on the sofa and said indifferently: “You may not have to go to Miss Du’s birthday party tomorrow, and the enlistment is cancelled. I am going to book a ticket now, and you will return to Shuikou Village overnight.”

“No, I don’t want it, I don’t agree!” Ye Ying screamed. “Mrs. Li likes me so much, and says that I want to be a daughter-in-law, I must go tomorrow!”

She climbed to Sun Dongqing and hugged her feet, crying to her anger and sorrow, “Mom, you are persuading Dad, I must go to Mrs. Li’s house tomorrow.”

(End of this chapter)

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