Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2118 - Abuse Ye Ying (seven)

Chapter 2118 Abuse (7)

Fear, afraid, Ye Ying is afraid!

Even Sun Dongqing, who hurt her most, hit her, Ye Ying was afraid!

She didn’t know why she thought she had done a shame in France, just like she saw her absurd life during her study abroad.

Can’t accept life, she won’t be so easy to accept!

Be sure to convince your mother to stand by yourself! Be sure to convince.

Ye Ying also counts the role, always finds all kinds of excuses to make his own peace of mind, and to comfort himself into the Jedi, it is also very shameless to think that he has not done anything wrong, the wrong are those who want to harm her People.

Videotape, it doesn’t matter!

Who is not young and frivolous! Who has not lost himself!

Li Yuan, like Li Yuan, he is also studying abroad, and he does not believe that he has not handed over several girlfriends!

Holding Sun Dongqing’s legs, Ye Ying is like holding a driftwood that won’t make himself drowning, with red and swollen faces, and keeps saying, “You don’t mean that I want to find a boyfriend, but also like a lady. My boyfriend like that, I have a chance, I really have a chance.”

“Mom, when Mrs. Li really said it, she wanted me to be her girlfriend Li Yuan’s girlfriend. Really, I didn’t lie to you, I didn’t lie to you.”

“I want to go, I must go! If I don’t go, there is no chance. Mom, beg you, help me, I am your daughter, you usually hurt me, help me, ask Please help me.”

Suffering and pleading, she can’t go back, it’s really gone.

Dad will definitely not take care of her, he will definitely have a baby, and will train another child! She can only go to the mountains for a lifetime, become a joke!

“I admit that I don’t check it in France. It’s all the same. I can’t do anything. I really wanted to study hard in the past, but everyone can play together. If I don’t participate, they will isolate me and say that I am false.” Also blocked me.”

“Mom, I am afraid, you and Dad took me abroad, thinking that I will be very good. Wrong, wrong, all wrong, I am afraid, really scared.”

“But what can I do! I don’t want to be with them, they will join hands to bully me, Mom, you don’t know how scared I was in the past week. They locked me in the toilet, locked the outside of the bedroom, and changed my wash. Become a dishwashing detergent and throw my clothes into the toilet.”

“I have any way, I don’t want to be bullied, just like them. I am forced and forced.”

I changed some of the students’ bullying to myself and regarded myself as a bullied object, saying that Ye Ying himself believed that he was really forced.

Sun Dongqing once heard that, when he heard it, his anger slammed his head, turned a corner, and turned to “they” in Ye Ying’s mouth. “How come you didn’t tell us! My daughter, they are I am going to kill you!”

Looking at her daughter who had been hurt for 20 years, she saw her face green and purple, and Sun Dongqing, who had been beaten, suddenly felt soft and distressed.

I thought that my daughter was degraded and the result was forced.

It’s completely different from being forced to fall, and that’s why she didn’t protect her daughter.

“Old Ye, you…” Sun Dongqing, who had a soft attitude, just wanted to speak, and was interrupted by Ye Zhifan indifferently. “Forcing you? Ye Ying, if you lie to your mother, can you fool me?”

This is indeed a small abuse, of course, the big abuse is still behind, la la la la la, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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