Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2119 - Abuse Ye Ying (eight)

Chapter 2119 Abuse (8)

Ye Zhifan opened his mouth and Ye Ying panicked.

“I am looking for a French aristocratic university, not a pheasant university. Forcing you? Ye Ying, you lie to your mother, you can lie to yourself. No one can force you, you are self-destructive!”

Every sentence makes Ye Yingru fall into the abyss, and the heart sinks into the bottom of the valley.

Sun Dongqing, who is holding his hands and grasping Ye Ying’s shoulders, knows that this is impossible for a husband to lie to himself. Then, the daughter just lie to herself.

“Mom, Mom… Mom…” Ye Ying didn’t dare to say that her shoulder was being hurt. She knew that she could only make Sun Dongqing feel soft when she kept crying painfully, and her mind was spinning at high speed to think about how to get out.

Ye Zhifan, who decided to give up Ye Ying, pressed hard: “Sun Dongqing, do you think that there is only one videotape in the other hand? Can you guarantee that the other party has not sent more videotapes to my office? My colleague’s hand? You really thought Is it just a box of videotapes?”

“Sun Dongqing, you can’t make a long-term brain! Now someone wants to let your daughter enter the army! Do you know!” He pointed to the video recorder that was broken by Ye Ying, and his face was low and low. “You can guarantee that Ye Ying has entered the army.” Will the other party not send the videotape to the army?”

She knows that she only knows that her daughter has done a shameful thing, and she must teach her a meal, lest she should do something embarrassing in the future.

As for the others, I have not thought about it.

After reminding, Sun Dongqing panicked and stammered, “We…this…not…no, really no other way? Can you go back to the village?”

“What do you think?” Ye Zhifan, who was about to blow up, quickly glared at the temple, and the thoughts in his heart came out one by one.

Can not find the person who sent the videotape, Ye Ying would like to go out of the mountain village, but even want to enter the army.

As for marrying Du family?


Don’t even think about it!

Once the videotape fell into the hands of Mrs. Li, the family followed them!

When she cried to the horrible Ye Ying, her mother’s attitude was not easy to soften. She continued to plead. “There is a way, there is a way, as long as Mrs. Li is good to me, others will not dare to offend our family again.”

“Mom, I will marry into Du family. You believe me, I will marry into Du family! Li Yuan is very impressed with me. I also asked me to look for him later. He took me out to play.”

“Du’s deputy chief of staff also agreed, and Mrs. Li also said that Li Yuan took care of me, Mom, you listen, don’t you just want me to marry Li Yuan?”

Sun Dongqing felt that her daughter had a reason to say that she could see Ye Zhifan like a murderer and swallowed it when she got to her mouth.

In exchange for something else, she dared to fight with her husband, but she was so angry that she could not kill the disobedient daughter, let alone the husband of the official.

In the face of Ye Ying’s attempt to escape, Ye Zhifan sneered again and again.

Before the videotape, he actually had the mind to let his daughter marry into the Du family. After all, Mrs. Li’s words were too tempting.

What now?

No, half a little thoughts are gone!

Now he is only looking forward to bringing Ye Ying back to his hometown and letting the videotape people see his sincerity!

Sun Yaozu died suddenly. The police in the south of the province acted as a bodyguard to kidnap the employer, and the money was not a murder case to investigate. The investigation has not had a result.

Now, it’s his turn to be unlucky, and it’s true that someone is staring at him, and he doesn’t want him to go up and want to kill him completely!

(End of this chapter)

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