Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2157 - Motivation is not pure

Chapter 2157 Motivation Impure

Xia and Du are not in the air. The head of the bell does not know the twists and turns in the head. Only when the two heads are both interested in each other.

Ye Jian, who came out, did not bother to disturb the commander of the summer, but also let the guards not go past, waiting for the time being.

“Who are you waiting for? Need me to take you there?”

A crisp and polite voice came from behind, and the first time I heard, the woman who did not see the real person would feel that she was very educated.

Ye Jian, who has already seen it, knows that her courtesy is all false, she speaks with a thorn, and she seems to be polite, but in fact she is directed at her.

Ye Ying and Du Jiayi went one by one, and they were sold for the other party.

Turned around and smiled at the northern beauty: “No, thank you.”

“Is it really not needed? Didn’t you go with the Commander-in-Chief of Summer? Are you looking for Commander-in-Chief? Ye Ying told me that you are a sister relationship with her, I have a good relationship with Ye Ying, what do you have? The difficulty told me that I will solve it for you.”

Du Jiayi said that she had finished speaking on Ye Jian, and she decided to let the two people make trouble. She smiled at Ye Ying again: “I just said that you are afraid that your sister will not talk to you. You see, I will open it for you, you. Proactively say hello, how could she ignore you?”

Also when the relationship between the two can be, but it is just like this, Ye Ying’s face is stiff enough to even laugh, and Du Jiayi is still not seen.

In the past life, I heard Sun Dongqing said that the relationship between Ye Ying and Xiao Guzi is general. Although many things have changed in this world, the relationship between them is still normal.

Ye Jian, who had flashed a playful eye in his eyes, did not intend to circumvent the two. He smiled and replied slightly. “I am not a sister to Ye Ying. I don’t know if Miss Du is still in charge of other people’s family affairs.”

“I have a relationship with Ye Yingfei, and the relationship is natural. No, it is not normal, it is a very bad relationship.”

The slightly singular Ye Jian directly said that he and Ye Ying are really related to the stripping, and also specifically shouted “Miss Du”, and they wished to see two beautiful faces have changed color.

Ye Ying looked at Du Jiayi with amazement and looked at Ye Jian.

Miss Du? Du Jiayi did not introduce herself just now. How did Ye Jian know what her surname was.

Unless, … unless the two of them knew it!

Thinking of the two people know, Ye Ying’s face is not generally cold.

Clearly aware, Du Jiayi did not mention a word for her, what kind of heart she was.

The reason why Du Jiayi’s face was ugly, she thought that Ye Ying lied to herself, deliberately saying that Ye Jian is a sister relationship.

Two people with serious suspicions are guilty of Ye Jian’s words, and they doubt whether the other party has an impure motivation.

Mrs. Li has already seen Du Jiayi, who indicated that Du, the deputy chief of staff, had come to bring her over. The mouth smiled and said: “Hey, the head of the group, you have a new recruit in the regiment. You still need to trouble you to become more disciplined. I asked her to come and say hello to you, so that I couldn’t see you later, but I don’t know her leader.”

Commander-in-chief Xia heard that he knew who the recruit was, and he smiled quietly. “Then I am leaving here, there is something to be done at hand.”

“Cheng, I have time to call Shuman, and you bring Ayuan out to have dinner with her. Shuman has returned to settle down, and you should let them have a chance to meet each other.”

Mrs. La, who had just fallen off the wind, was also present in the presence of a head of the army.

Want to drop the face of Du family? Amoi, do you dare to take out your own business?

(End of this chapter)

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