Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2158 - The show started.

Chapter 2158, the opening of the good show 喽

What are you afraid of?

The general commander of the summer shook his head and smiled and said: “You are persuading, the child is big, and he has joined the army. I am a father who can’t see him all the year round, let her not think about letting her son come back. she was.”

The head of the clock knows that the commander-in-chief has been divorced for many years. Although he listened a little embarrassed, the commander-in-chief himself came out and said that there would be nothing wrong with it.

Mrs. Li’s face was a lot of laughter, but I really didn’t expect Lao Xia to say his personal affairs in front of a head of the team!

When the mother did not pull back a game, when the daughter did not provoke the two to quarrel.

Instead, he turned his eyes on Du Jiayi of the army to a somewhat gloomy.

She glanced at Ye Jian, her eyes were slightly lowered, and she looked at the man’s posture. She smiled and said: “No wonder you can’t find your information. You are still a military school student.”

“The cadets are not good enough to sit in the classroom, but instead run around, Ye Jian, be careful that time will never be completed.”

This is not a general viciousness. The implication is that Ye Jian did not even have a life.

The guards have come over, not waiting for Ye Qi to answer her hook, and her arrogance is intentionally rubbing Ye Jian’s shoulder to leave.

After Du Jiayi’s words recollected, Ye Ying’s appearance was unusual. When Du Jiayi walked a few steps away, she also lifted her chin and looked arrogant: “Ye Jian, want to fight with me? You will die very badly. !”

“I am waiting, Ye Ying.” Faced with a special intention to leave Ye Ying from the insult, Ye Jian Xiao arc hooked his mouth, black and black gaze gazing at Ye Ying, and gave a very deep smile, “Who will see Even worse.”

The leaf of the heart suddenly burst into the eyes and shouted indignantly: “The box…”

Can’t say, can’t say, if it’s not her! Dad said, Ye Jian doesn’t have that skill. If she says it doesn’t mean giving her handle to her!

The danger swallowed the words, the resentful eyes of Jane, and some panic caught up with Du Jiayi.

Du Jiayi, who is gloomy, walks very fast. Ye Jian does not want to come over? Oh, she wants to let her come over!

When she came over, she saluted the commander of the summer commander and the head of the bell, and then respectfully said: “The commander-in-chief, the military school student in front of him wants to come over, and dare not come over, do you want the guard to bring her over?”

“You, the child, what is so passionate about the old, thinking that everyone is like you, daring.” Mrs. Li has pretended to blame, but with a smile, anyone knows that she is not really blaming.

There was an outsider present, Du Jiayi looked very calm, his mouth bent and smiled, and explained seriously, “Mom, you misunderstood me. Yingying told me that the military school student was her sister, and I specifically greeted her in the past. But… …”

When she intentionally stopped, she indulged for a while and said a word of Ye Ying’s confusion. “But she said that she is not a sister relationship with Ying Ying. I am a bit confused. Otherwise, you let Ye Ying call Ye Jian to ask? It’s surnamed Ye, Ye Ying is so smart, and it’s impossible to talk nonsense.”

Mrs. Li does not like the messy relatives, she should check the neighbors of Ye Zhifan.

Tomorrow, the company will tell the people below to check it.

Her eyebrows wrinkled and her eyes fell on Ye Ying. The voice was a little cold: “What happened? Is it your sister?” Don’t let her daughter lose face in front of the famous military school students!

“Madam, she is my sister, I didn’t lie to you.” Ye Yingyan, who came to tears, saw Mrs. Li look at her. Soon, she bowed her head and said, “I don’t know how she is in Jiayi.” Sister’s face is not my sister, she is obviously my sister, the commander-in-chief, I have not lied to you.”

In my heart, I want to say a lot of bad things about Ye Jian, but the commander-in-chief can’t dare to make it.

See you at night, little fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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