Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2195 - Are you a pig head?

Chapter 2195 Are you a pig head?

“I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t think of it.” I didn’t expect Xia Xinhui’s son to be more and more promising. There was no frivolity in his youth. Du’s deputy chief of staff whispered softly, and the darkness in his eyes became deeper and deeper. It is.

Du Jiayi didn’t say anything. She saw Xia Jinyuan’s conscious sideways and hid behind Du’s deputy chief of staff. Until Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian left, they straightened their backs.

I don’t know why, she can’t send and receive in front of Xia Jinjin. It used to be, and it is still the case.

Du Jiayi, who had some hatred in her heart, bite her teeth, and dared to use the glory to smash the tall, tall and straight figure, with a half-annoyed and angry look on her face.

Soon, two guards with Ye Ying appeared. Seeing that Ye Ying, the deputy chief of staff of Du, could not restrain the excitement in his heart, but also separated from each other by a certain distance.

“Du, deputy chief of staff, I beg you to save me, I am afraid, I will not dare. I am wrong, I know that I am wrong, I beg you to give me another chance, I will be rehabilitated, No more mistakes, beg you, save me.”

“It is you and Mrs. Li arranged me to go to the Beijing political group. You can’t leave me alone. You can help me with the deputy chief of staff, you can’t leave me alone.”

Now, Ye Ying is arrested who is going to ask for help. She will not say anything in a big loss. What is said is precisely the most taboo of Du’s deputy chief of staff.

“In the military department, I made a big noise and became a system. I blocked her mouth directly and took it away from the military department as soon as possible!”

The cold and sullen Du’s chief of staff suppressed the anger in his heart and screamed, “During the night and handing over to the South Province! No one is allowed to meet her in the middle!”

Ye Ying also asked if he could let himself talk to his family. He was told that he was so commanded, like a thunder and a thunder, and it was dark to Ye Ying’s eyes.

“Du… oh…” She just wanted to speak, and her mouth was blocked again.

Du Jiayi, who blocked her mouth, blocked one of the white gloves before the show, and the remaining one was blocked.

“Ye Ying, your courage is not really big, the army guards are countless, all with guns, you are not afraid to be noisy and being shot directly by the guards? Quiet, Ye Ying, your business has just begun!”

Du Jiayi’s last sentence was extremely heavy, and there was a bit of killing.

Ye Ying, who had been scared and timid, saw her in the eyes of coldness, and immediately a stunned intimidation could confuse Du Jiayi with anger.

“The two will take her down as soon as possible.” Forced to hold back the stomach, Du Jiayi said with a breath, leaving the front of the condescending eye-scared Ye Ying, eyes flashed with a cold smile followed by leaving Military department.

Still dare to ask her parents? Ye Ying, are you a pig head?

Du’s deputy chief of staff left the car directly from the military. The waiting for Mrs. Li to see the familiar license plate number flashed, she knew that her husband would not go home with him, and Du Jiayi came out to convey the words of Du’s chief of staff. Mrs. Li’s brows wrinkled tightly.

Today she was too angry, and she did not control her temper for a while, but let others laugh at it!

Give her a position in the military, which accuses her of stretching too long, and even dare to manage things in the army.

Mrs. Li raised her hand and pinched her two eyebrows, her eyes closed to cover her smothering, and her mouth was pressed tightly to temporarily close her eyes.

Ye Zhifan saved her son, this is a great grace.

(End of this chapter)

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