Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2196 - You are a bastard

Chapter 2196, you are a bastard

When she learned that he wanted his daughter to join the army, Li Chenglan had always been a must-have. It was not a big deal, but it was not a big deal. It was just a convenient way to let his daughter be a small literary soldier. Repay.

I know that the daughter of a director turned out to be such a bad rotten goods in the inside. She rarely used her husband’s face to help, and even the General Staff knew it.

The whole army meeting is about to be held, but her family has encountered such a bad thing. It is foreseeable that during this time, Du’s family will not be happy, and Mrs. Li blinks her eyes, grabbing the black handbag on her legs with both hands, and whispering low and low: To challenge my bottom line, Ye Ying, don’t take you to life, you can’t die, I won’t surname Li.”

Ye Yingying, who was dragged into the car with his hands, shuddered. The whole man was kneeling behind the cold and cold compartment. Without her strength, she cried so that even her tears could not flow.

Retiring troops back to South Province, waiting for her will be a day of torture.

Sun Dongqing learned that the news was checking the property at home. Although she was divorced, she still had a lot of property.

Anyang and the two provinces have two houses, and the seven-digit deposit in the family. In addition, Ye Yuxiang sent a car to the company left by Sun Yaozu, and several gold and silver jewels. Sun Dongqing is still very satisfied.

Just after all the assets were counted, Ye Zhifan’s phone came.

“…what! Ye Zhifan, you can tell the aging mother clearly!” Sun Dongqing only heard a “Your baby daughter was repatriated to the South Province”, the whole person is like a volcano erupting, holding the landline microphone roaring.

The expressionless Ye Zhifan leaned against the back of the office chair, and said: “When I am in a husband and wife, I intend to inform you in advance to make a psychological preparation. Your baby daughter made all the mistakes, and Mrs. Li also received it. Videotape, seeing the content inside is furious.”

“I just called me and asked me very badly. I told you very clearly that your baby girl had lost so much face to her and made her a joke in the upper class of the capital. She planned to let your baby daughter grow long. memory.”

“As for how to make your baby daughter long-term memory, it is not something I can know, but I can tell you now, Sun Ying will never be better.”

Fortunately, in the afternoon, he changed the name of “Ye Ying” into “Sun Ying”. If not, there is no way to explain to Mrs. Li.

Sun Dongqing did not believe, sipping a question, “How is it possible! Mrs. Li likes Yingying so much, and she also makes Yingying her daughter-in-law, how can she be willing to let Yingying be wronged!”

“Ye Zhifan, you are a bastard! Are you regretting giving all the property to my mother, and now I am trying to find me uncomfortable!”

This is his wife Ye Zhifan, his eyes are short and stupid!

In the past, because Mrs. Ye had done some inhumane things to her, he felt guilty and endured. He always thought that the original match was with him. The most stupid thing was for his own family. He would bother to look at it and prevent her. It’s a big deal.

Unexpectedly, a stupid thing is nothing, but the daughter who teaches it is a foolish one. This foolishness is different from the foolishness of being a mother. Everywhere I think I can’t hold a half of the sand, watching smart, but doing things better than When the mother is still stupid, the calamity will be bigger!

Fortunately, I was arbitrarily broken, and there was no harm to my own Ye Zhifan. “Sun Dongqing, waiting for Mrs. Li’s phone, she will contact you well.”

(End of this chapter)

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