Chapter 3542 is his

Fu Da smiled and said: “Caring about what you should care about, what you shouldn’t care about, is not something you can care about, you don’t have to ask.”

The leaders also said something similar. The leaders of the National Science and Technology University were serious about Ye Jian. “I don’t want you to know that it is to protect you. Since you have already returned, you can’t mention the last night. Did you hear it?”

Another student said: “You are the same, no more!”

Ye Jian and Zhang Minghong were humbly educated and said that they would not go to inquire again.

The leaders of the Naval Command Academy and the Air Force Academy are equally so envious of the outstanding students of their school. They must be tight-lipped and must not reveal a little bit of news to the outside.

Both Li Xiang and Jiang Yang have expressed their attitude and will not raise this matter.

However, they saw Ye Jian said that killing and killing, and a sense of awe in Ye Jian, and always feel that Ye Jian and the three of them are different, more or less cautious when communicating.

Ye Jian knew it, but did not say it. He still walked quietly and quietly the same day as before, sitting, and only whispered when someone asked.

After the three-day exchange meeting ended, Ye Xiaoyi and Fu Da returned to Beijing. She had not told Fu Da’s own things in her two days. She wanted to know who she was, and then said to Fu Da.

I don’t know if Fu Da actually knows it in my heart.

On the first day of the first month of the first month, I returned to Beijing by car. Ye Jian, who had no rest in the middle, arrived at the military headquarters at around noon. Fu Da, who attended the exchange meeting, was also busy with his work. Ye simply used to find the commander-in-chief of Xia.

At this point, she is already sitting in the office, there is no one in the office, she needs to wait.

This time has been waiting for a long time, Ye Jian has a chest in the office, and she wakes up when she hears the unlocking sound. She looks at the watch at 4:17 in the afternoon.

Commander-in-chief Xia and Yang Shaojun said as they walked in and saw Ye Jian stand up and salute them. They waved their hands to signal her to sit down. In the mouth, they said to Yang: “First arrange this, you go busy, I talked with Xiaoye.”

He had already known that Ye Jian was waiting for himself in the office, and he knew what she was doing today, and she had to know sooner or later… It would be better to tell her today.

Sit down and take out a folder with a camouflage shell from the office drawer. “Look at this. After reading it, you will know who is shooting at the Sun Marsh martyr, and the reason why he shot… is because what.”

I thought that Ye Jianwen, who had to pay a little bit to know, immediately stood up and took over the folder, fearing that the summer commander would regret it.

“Look slowly, don’t be excited after reading it. We all have a clear investigation. I hope that you can calmly deal with it.” Seeing that she opened the folder, Commander Xia had a needle in advance.

Ye Jian slowly, after a period of observation, the investigation ended quite detailed, from her mother became undercover to the middle of what people encountered, and found out what was investigated one by one, this is a survey report, also Her mother’s life story.

I looked at it one by one and saw that someone was misled by Li Chuhai and thought that my mother was a spy… Ye Jian’s eyebrows were a jump, and the fingers trembled directly to the last page.

There is a photo on the last page, and Ye Jian sees the person in the photo tightening in a moment.

“This is the person who shot at the back of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs. We arrested him half a month ago.” Commander Xia pointed to the photo taken in Jane’s leaf, and said: “Why did he shoot, front? There is a detailed investigation process.”

It is expected that the little goblins will send the blades, hahahaha, see you tomorrow, the little goblins!

(End of this chapter)

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