Want to see him in Chapter 3543?

Ye Jian saw the person in the photo. If the whole person was shocked, Li Chuhai said that she knew the person who shot at the back of her mother… Yes, she really knows, and the time she knows is not short, she has known for several years. Now!

After she passed the people around her, she even thought that Li Chuhai had lied to herself. She deliberately said that the person who shot the gun knew her, but this is true. From the beginning of the military evasion, she knew that Li Chuhai’s words were Really.

She really knows the people on the photo.

Commander-in-chief Xia saw the female soldier sitting across her desk brushing his face, and the lower lip was biting into the white, and I knew that this result made her somewhat unacceptable.

Yes, it is true.

“Not a partner with Li Chuhai, he was also confused, thinking that Sun Xueqing’s martyrs were really spies. The situation was quite urgent at the time, and because Li Chuhai was intentionally or unintentionally misled, he even heard some so-called ‘confidential’, waiting for those tasks. Entering the enemy’s adhesive, we may even be destroyed by the whole army. He was ordered by Li Chuhai, and finally fired a gun at Sun Xueqing’s martyrs.”

“The whole thing, not his fault, is due to Li Chuhai.”

Hey, he knows that once this matter is made, Xiaoye must know that the truth is unacceptable. After all, this person has helped Xiaoye for a long time. It can be said that Xiaoye can get out of the mountains and have his credit.

“It’s been arrested. He also thinks that Sun Xueqing’s martyrs are spies. He never thought that his former leaders used him. We told him the truth of the matter. A big man cried and collapsed, saying that the most sorry person is you… ”

“He is also a victim. From then on, he has been shackled in his life, and he has been guilty of the wrong things he has done in his life. He has been uneasy in this life.”

“You want to see him… just go see you, he wants to see you too. He has always wanted to see you since he knew the truth.”

The lower lip bites out a curved toothed leaf and puts the photo back into the folder. The long and thick eyelashes tremble to the butterfly wing, and the folder is slammed and closed. The commander-in-chief of Xia saw that there was deep pain in her eyes, and it turned into a silent black, deep and deep, and she had deeply hidden all her emotions.

Anyone familiar with Xiaoye knows that this is a child with a strong sense of righteousness. Now that something has happened, hey, who ever thought about it?

After the family was informed of the future, the first reaction was to let the military conceal, at least until the main behind-the-scenes Li Chuhai caught it, and told her not to be late.

Everyone knows how big the fight against the leaflet will be, so that everyone will not dare to let her know for the first time. On the night of the sixth day, the old man must go on the plane and not forget to call, let Xia Zong The commander temporarily concealed it, and it would be better if he could wait for him to come back.

Unfortunately, did not wait until the old six came back, Li Chuhai exposed the truth they concealed in one sentence, so that her heart was stabbed.

Nowadays, this thorn does not know whether it is pulled out, or… it is deeper.

Looking at the eyes of Ye Jianru’s thick side, Xia’s commander couldn’t understand what she was thinking about. The more she couldn’t see it, the more worried the Commander Xia’s heart was, and there was deep concern in her eyes.

Ye Jian’s heart really didn’t think about anything, shock, sadness, pain, sadness, etc. The emotions were like a group of knotted woolen balls. It’s not reasonable, and it’s full of heart. It is very difficult for her to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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