Chapter 3968 Blood Strike

I don’t know that Xia Jinyuan’s specific plan of the scouts said low, the comrades of the Snowy Brigade said “thank you” and started the Qingwei.

“After I broke off with K7, you first.” The T6, which was filled with a mortar shell, said coldly, and he pointed the mortar barrel at the loess road into the mountain.

It is necessary to prevent the support from coming over and bombard the loess road that passes through the only vehicle in the mountain.

The mortar is a weapon with a short gun body, a large angle of shooting, a high arc of the ballistics, and a rear seat force for the seat. The dead angle and the small dead space are easy to choose the shooting position. The T6 is the most suitable for bombing the road. .

I don’t know how much bigger the bullets are. Even the mortars that shake the ground are launched. It falls very accurately at the T6 locked destination, and the flowers bloom in an instant.

In the darkness of the clouded leopard commando team members in the blast of sparks, they saw a village like a blood prison, the village is full of people lying, very many people, sometimes even several people are stacked together, It was fired by a machine gun.

Rao is that they often fight in the front line and fight with criminals. When they see this scene, their entire scalp is numb in an instant, and some even dare not look at it.

The position of the scout is the best, so he sees the most comprehensive.

The telescope that had been holding it in his hand slammed down, and his stomach turned gray and gray, his limbs were broken, his blood was flowing… He wanted to vomit.


Someone turned against the stomach and forced it down. He breathed a big mouth and tried to forget the blood prison he had just seen.

“They…what is the military of the military region.”

There are also members who gently ask, which military unit is the ruthless, they know that the military has issued an order to let the kidnapping and insult the Chinese female soldiers’ **** price, and see today… Really… the price of blood.

They are sure that after this battle, no one will dare to kidnap the Chinese soldiers and threaten the Chinese side.

“Don’t ask, don’t ask, we are well nested and manage our mouths.” The captain of the action squad squeezed the stomach and had stomach problems. These days were all compressed biscuits with cold water and blood prison. The village is irritating and the stomach is guilty.

No one talked again, they were silent.

Which military district will have such a terrible brother company?

No military unit of terror is there.

As the special forces in the Yunjian Military Region, they know more or less that there are so many mysterious special forces in their country. Two, three, and four… they have guessed this, but they have never seen it before. Sometimes they even think it is Not a rumor.

Now, they feel that it is not a rumor.

Brothers who are fighting with them tonight, I am afraid that it may be one of the mysterious special forces that have always been thought to be rumors.

It really existed and made them lucky.

“Although it is terrible, but very fortunate.” Finally, the scouts who had suppressed their vomiting wiped their lips and said very lightly. “One of the mysterious special forces, it is amazing.”

Not bad, but not lucky.

“They are finishing, we are not expected to have a mobile phone tonight. When they enter the mountain, we estimate that they can almost leave.”

The scout who lifted the telescope again turned his eyes to the village. He knew that the brothers of the mysterious special forces were finishing, but he did not see them from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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