Chapter 3969 Hero

“Close, withdraw!”

“Close, withdraw!”

In the smoke, the mysterious special forces of the Yunbao commando team members… The special forces of the Snowland Brigade wore the miscellaneous military uniforms, and quickly removed them from the mountains while closing their tails, facing the smoke of the smoke, listening to the “嗖嗖” from time to time. The sound of the bullet passing through, each person’s expression has only one expression, that is the fearless perseverance.

Their eyes are cold and they look at the front with almost mirror-like calm lines. Every conversation is so calm, it is calm and calm.

Ye Jian is a kind of learning every time they fight with them.

Already entering the mountain, clenching the rifle in the hand and chasing the cobra of the cobra group, E6 asked Ye Jian, “I and M have already kept up, do you see Q King?”

The guys who beat the Chinese female soldiers have all been killed. Next, they must complete the Q King’s plan as soon as possible. Don’t forget, there is also a general Miner.

He found something out here and will definitely send troops to support.

When they face the army of a country, it is easy to cause big diplomatic troubles.

Ye Jian looked at the darkness in front and still couldn’t find a man’s figure. “No, I will look for it again.”

The scope is too big, everyone tries to hide themselves, and a man is no exception. It is impossible to find out immediately.

“Looking to the top, be careful, don’t shoot it.” M reminded, “Q King has no night combat equipment. You should find him and come out again. Don’t bother.”

The Z7, which was red with his eyes, heard the gun and slammed it down and changed it with a magazine. He breathed and said: “No, they will not admit their mistakes when they are dark.”

E6 and M can’t help but laugh, too, they all work side by side. False shooting should not happen to them.

“The guys around Cobra are all hard characters. I didn’t have too much contact with M. The venue cleared the time and solved the other smashing into the mountains.” E6 heard the sound of the sand passing the leaves in front, and M People hide behind the leaves and are very careful to keep a certain distance.

“The beginning of the drama, the brothers, all began to withdraw! Do not fall in love, and then withdraw after the clearance.” T6 clean and suffocating voice into all the comrades’ ears, he filled the second mortar, this is Projectiles fired at the location of the drug store.

The comrades in the vicinity of the drug bank have already withdrawn, and the shells are slamming and slamming, and then the huge explosion of the “bang” sounds like a mushroom-like fire cloud layering up and the fire rises up the sky.

Going to the mountains, Cobra heard two loud noises behind him. He seemed to think of what he was rushing to look at the back. The secretly knew where the bodyguard looked at the bodyguard and told Cobra that it might be a drug store. Was bombed.

Poison library… was bombed! !

Cobra’s face was instantly distorted.

After he retired, he still thought that after the end of this, he would find another way to take possession of all the poisoned goods that have not been shipped out. Now, nothing is gone!

The Chinese side completely established the establishment of the imperial form, and the poison chain maintained by the Burmese troops was destroyed once!

It is not without movement. China has been waiting for opportunities to appear.

Seeing that the poison you want to possess all disappeared in the sound of gunfire, the cobra eyes were gloomy.

The gunshots in the village did not seem as violent as before, and no one who dared to protect the bodyguards urged cobra to stay.

After resolving the exquisite Xia Jinyuan, he looked back and looked at it. The darkness of the darkness had a faint smile. Very good. After tonight, the village will no longer exist.

(End of this chapter)

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