Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4009 - Chinese Good Child Lang

Chapter 4009 Zhonghua Hao Erlang

The “heads” sound full of anger, awakened the V8 that had fallen asleep, heard the word “heads”, the sleeping V8 slammed openly, and the first reaction was the same as the G3.

This time, the commander-in-chief of the summer responded. He shouted “No movement” and finally succeeded in preventing the V8 from pulling.

“You stop the blood of your arm first.” After the end of the summer, Commander-in-Chief looked at the G3 with a fast needle-drawing action. His eyes swept over the G3’s blood-soaked arm and strode into the ward.

V8 was awake, sitting on the bed and looking at their commander-in-chief with a serious face, pressing the call bell on their bedside, informing the nurse to come back and re-pin.

He glanced at the G3, who was ordered to lie back to the hospital bed by the commander-in-chief, and slowly lay back to the hospital bed.

A little scary, the commander-in-chief came over to the patrol room and let them lie down.

“I came to see you, you don’t have to look like an enemy.” The commander of the summer, who was coming over by the nurse, stood and said to the two people: “I didn’t expect to wake you up, I am sorry.”

How can the ambassador apologize, and the two answered in unison, “The head is polite!”

“No polite, I am really sorry. You are all good brothers in our country. I will return to your mission without humiliating. I represent you, our people, and thank you. Thank you for defending the dignity of our country. Thank you. You have kept our country door, so that those little people know what will happen to humiliate our country.”

“thank you all!”

The commander-in-chief stood up and prayed to the two iron-bearing soldiers for the lofty military service. The G3 and V8 sitting on the bed retaliated at the same time. “The head, this is our responsibility!”

Defending national dignity and guarding the country’s territory is something that should be done as a soldier.

Looking at their resolute eyes, Commander-in-Chief was very proud of them.

It is precisely because of this group that they are not afraid of sacrifice, and the contemporary soldiers who throw their heads and blood are so bloody, so the country is stable, Cathay and the people are safe.

Commander-in-chief of the summer, until the nurse re-attached the G3, and talked with them a few words, let the two rest well, and ordered G3 to rest first and then watch the medical records of the comrades.

When he left, he took all the medical records and did not give G3 a chance to see it again.

After V8 was sent to the commander-in-chief, he whispered to G3: “The more I look at it, the more we think our captain and the commander-in-chief are very similar. Both of them are surnamed Xia. You said… It wouldn’t be a father or son.”

What should not be a father and son, it is a true father and son.

“Know too much to be taken care of by the captain, sleep!” G3, who knows the identity of Xia Jinyuan, swept his eyes and became curious. This time, the letter that was revealed by himself was scared to the V8, and the bed was closed and the eyes closed. go to bed.

The heads ordered him to sleep, and he must obey the order to sleep.

V8 was scared by the sudden news, father and son… Commander-in-chief Xia and their captain really are the relationship between the father and the son.


There is a Prince in his side!

He didn’t know until today!

“Invar, your kid don’t sleep for me, say, when do you know the captain’s identity!”

G3 Yin Rong answered his comrades with a grunt.

When do you know?

When he took over the position of the vice captain, he was astonished as the V8.

There is a Prince in the side, he never knew it!

He also played with the Prince, and once discussed how to discuss with the Prince.

When the identity was exposed, he almost wanted to be a deserter.

(End of this chapter)

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