Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4010 - Low-key is also scary

Chapter 4010 is also low-key and scary

Therefore, sometimes it is not good to be a low-key person, and it is easy to scare comrades!

G3 thought about it and really fell asleep, V8 biting the quilt over there, and eventually the enemy did not fall into sleep, and finally the good guys who returned to China put down their armor, no longer worried about the dangers around them finally fell asleep.

When Ye Jane opened her eyes, the warm sunset just sprinkled through the ward glass. She blinked lightly. Some people didn’t know how long they slept, one day and one night? Still only one day?

“Wake up? Sleep well?”

A kind voice of kindness came, and I was familiar with the squinting of the sun, and I saw the sunset from the bed, and the voice of Commander Xia!

How is the Commander-in-Chief here?

Commander-in-chief Xia is quite helpless. Are they two monkeys changed?

Say the needle is pulled out, and when you say it, can you give him a little psychological buffer so that he can react?

In the face of his future daughter-in-law, Commander-in-chief Xia was a lot more casual. He came over and said to Ye Jian: “I was scared by your child’s surprise.”

“Let’s lie down, don’t get a bruise on your waist.”

After that, he said to the armed police who were guarding the side: “Let the doctor come over and see.”

“Yes, the head!” The armed police sent by the border guards quickly left the ward and stayed in the same room as the head. He had to control the number of blinks and was too stressed.

Ye Jian did not mean to lie down. Today, she is not as afraid as the commander-in-chief of Xia, especially when I heard “you are a child”, Ye Jian knows that this is not the commander-in-chief in the military, but Your own elders.

“How come you are here?” Sleeping up, the mental state is quite good, Ye Jian is black and bright, and some surprises say,

“How long has it been? Why didn’t you wake me up? Let you wait.”

The injury from the tongue made her ambiguous when she spoke, but it was much better than before.

Seeing that she didn’t lie down, the commander-in-chief of Xia looked at the end of the bed, then bent down and shaken the shake that could control the lifting of the bed. The sound of the “squeaking” sounded, the commander-in-chief smiled: “You sleep too Aroma, can’t bear to wake you up. Don’t want to lie? Then sit and talk to Dad, don’t say too fast, your tongue is still hurt.”

In front of Ye Jian, Commander-in-Chief of Xia directly skipped the term “uncle” during the free love relationship between male and female friends, and had already taken the position of “father” in one step.

The previous Ye Jian was still embarrassed to listen, and now she is used to it.

But this time I was a little embarrassed. I asked the commander-in-chief to serve myself. I knew that… I would like to ask the armed police for help.

“Dad, you are going to rest, I am very comfortable with this.” Ye Jian did not let the commander-in-chief adjust the inclination of the bed, shouted “Dad” from the good, and made the smile on the face of Commander Xia a lot deeper.

Sitting on the side of the bed, looking at Ye Jian, who was thinner than the last time, and his face was a small circle, Commander Xia sighed: “This time should be well rested, and you can’t reluctantly go back to school. If you raise it back, it will become an old age and affect your future life.”

“When it’s time to fight, you have to rest during the break. The two can’t be confused. When Dad arrives, give your school a call and let the school keep an eye on you, lest you relax and let go of yourself.”

Listening to the leaf slips of the hospital bed, and nodding from time to time, this time must be sensible, can not be opposed to the elders who care about themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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