Chapter 4025, if she fell

The pain in the front still left the wound and did not completely come out. Chen Shu was shot. The operation had been carried out for eight hours and it was not over. She did not know how to cry.

Less than half a month, life is ups and downs, experience life is unclear, experience of life and death is unknown, hands clasped with aluminum alloy support the hands have been supported until the phalanx joints become white.

She just didn’t let people see her crying, nor did she let her see her panic, buried everything in her heart and faced all difficulties with the strongest side.

Chen Shu, who is growing up with her and encouraging her to face difficulties, will not have anything. She will wait until Chen Shu’s surgery is over and she will come out safely.

Pressing the chest, I feel the beating under the chest. Here, my heart is not dead, still beating, still telling her that all difficulties will not defeat her, she is not dead, still alive…

Live well and face all the difficulties of not being able to beat yourself.

Everyone thinks that this is a very strong girl. She calmly faces and calmly handles it. She doesn’t have a slight panic. In fact, who knows… This strong girl knows that Chen’s bullet was shot and she’s just out of the shadow. Dead gray.

Two times of great pain, the heart is like a knife, it is not a pain, and it is directly to death.

Strong, not because she knows she can’t fall.

If she falls, she will not be able to wait for her lover.

If she falls, she does not know who is shooting at President Chen.

If she falls, her grandfather and father will be sad when they meet again.

If she falls, those who love her, care for her friends, and comrades-in-arms will be sad.

Resurrection of the world, she is no longer the last one, no one will care, sad, no one will pay attention to a single, lonely Ye Jian.

She now has a lover, a loved one, a comrade-in-arms, a friend, and a career she likes, so she can’t fall.

I am afraid that my heart will be ashamed. As long as there is a sparking star there, she will also turn this ignition star into a fire that can poke the original, and every time she will be defeated, and she will be reborn again.

Ye Jian, you can’t fall, you have to stick.

One hand held the support tightly, and one hand pressed the leaf of the chest tightly to bite the lower lip. In this way, she did not find anyone to tell her own pain, even if the dark marsh of walking was about to swallow her, she also relied on Step by step, come out and live again.

I don’t know how much, Ye Jian finally loosened the hand that pressed the chest, loosened the hand holding the hand, and slowly wiped the fingerprints left on the clean and bright baffle until I could not see the traces of the handprint again. Her biting lower lip also loosened.

It seems that she has also wiped out her panic.

Looking down at the aluminum alloy to help out, some of the deformed faces, the leaves are long and long, and a long breath is out.

Chen Shu, you promised to pass the grandfather, to see the grandfather of the roots climbed higher on the road of the military, you can promise to pass the grandfather, you must not say anything.

There is faith, but you have taught me, you will not forget, right?

Ye Jian, who had straightened his back, stood in front of the window, and looked at the outside of the window with a firm and unbreakable determination, so that the police officers who came back after the call saw a slight glimpse.

The girl who was just fragile as if the back spine had to be broken, but also the bowed bow, there is still a little fragile in the back. The whole person’s gas field is strong enough to be like the cold that has already taken out the scabbard. The fierce side opened the darkness that trapped her.

(End of this chapter)

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