Chapter 4026 Care

This girl, estimated…not simple.

The party who shot the gun is not simple either.

It is not easy to hide the soldiers they surveyed.

In this case, as the Secretary said, they estimated that they had to avoid it.

The police officer who came back and sat down silently thought that he was reminded to remind Ye Jie to wear a coat later, the hospital was heated, but it was cold outside.

On the other side of Qin Xiu, he found that there was no coat in the hand of Ye Jian. He asked the doctor to accompany the Qin mother and got the same “neural headache” diagnosis as before, without any change.

Even the doctors are exactly the same, can’t be angry, need peace of mind, need to be rested, less worry… Qin mother, who walks to the garage while walking, sighs: “It seems that there is no way to cure it. I will discuss it with your father, I am going abroad. Stay for a while.”

“The procedure is a bit cumbersome, and you have to apply and investigate. You have to ask questions. You have to hand it over to you. Hey… I am here…”

I thought that I had to go through foreign treatment for various reasons before going abroad. Qin mother thought about it a little, and this head hurts.

Qin Xiu saw this, stopped to give Qin mother press the temples on both sides, Wen Ya said: “This matter is handed over to Dad to deal with it. Dad has been abroad for so many years, you are in the country, and I used to accompany my father. ”

“You go back by car, I will come back later.”

The driver has already drove from the front. Qin mother also wants to ask what happened to her son. The driver who stopped the car has already got off the car and quickly opened the door. Qin Xiu has helped the Qin mother who will ask a bunch of questions again. car.

With one hand holding the car door, the slender body was bent and turned to Qin mother: “I may go to Danguiyuan to accompany my grandfather tonight, you don’t wait for me to come back.”

“And, you pushed those parties tomorrow, so stay at home.”

When he finished, he closed the door. Qin mother was in the car with a few screams. He saw Qin Xiu’s appearance that he did not hear, and he was Qin’s mother to the head.

The driver hurriedly drove away, letting Qin Xiu’s already thin lips loose a little.

Looking back and looking around, the footsteps paused a little, thinking about where he came from just now, this took a step.

He has no sense of direction. After nearly three years of treatment, he has had a great improvement. Write it with his heart, write it down like a picture, listen to the doctor, don’t always rely on the people around him, and now he can finally move out like a normal person.

On the first floor, Qin Xiu gave his driver a call. After a while, the driver carrying a luxury brand handbag came over and handed the bag to Qin Xiu. “According to your height and size. The staff in the store recommended this coat to me, you can see if you are satisfied.”

Qin Xiu, who took the bag, only glanced at it, and he slightly decapitated. He didn’t know if he could, but he sent it to the past and didn’t like it.

Qin Xiu carried the bag in front of Ye Jian, and Ye Jian’s brow was unscathed and screwed.

Just now she heard Qin Xiu shouting herself, and she almost made her think that it was an auditory hallucination. Looking up and seeing Qin Xiu standing in front of me, it was not an auditory hallucation.

She did not understand why Qin Xiu came over to find her, and handed over a bag with a coat.

“Put it, since you are in a hurry, you have to take care of your body.” Qin Xiu said so gently, like a normal friend, there is a hint of care in his voice.

Explosion requires more maintenance, the update at 0:00 am continues to update four thousand, and then continue to update four thousand during the day, I have to stabilize the update of eight thousand words a day.

(End of this chapter)

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