Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4029 - I am tired, I am leaving

Chapter 4029 I am tired, I am going

Qin’s mother, who had a tight heart, saw her son, who was always a gentleman, showing her cold face. Although she was a little flustered, her strong temper did not let her step back because of panic.

Wen Yan, she smiled coldly and her eyes became more intense. “Mom just cares about you, but I didn’t think you lied to me.”

At this moment, Qin Xiu felt tired.

In a very calm voice: “Mom, you have already forced my sister away. Now, is it my turn to drive me away? Good. I will disappear from your eyes within a week as you wish. Then you I don’t have to worry about my brother and sister again, and I don’t have to be angry because of our sisters and brothers, and I don’t often have a headache.”

“Take away two children who are not filthy to you, Mom, you will live better and be happier!”

The calm voice said that the heart would never be calm, Qin mother panicked, but also more angry.

If it is not in the hospital, Qin mother will be angry and screaming, rather than now so clearly furious, but also in order to maintain an elegant image, the whole body is shaking and have to endure, “Qin Xiu, what is your attitude!”

“My attitude is to tell you, Mom, you don’t have to worry about me in the future. It’s too late, you go back soon. I still have something to deal with.”

“Is there something to deal with? I want to buy another expensive dress and give it to the woman? Qin Xiu, when did you become a man who only looked at the inside and didn’t look inside! You let me be disappointed!”

Qin Xiu’s face, which was still calm, was elegant, and every place was like a piece of fine white jade. The handsome Yan Yan had a slap in the face. He turned around and took a calm look. Look at Qin mother, “Mom, you like Mrs. Li’s daughter very much. She thinks she is very good and capable. I can take care of myself.”

“Mom, why don’t you ask a friend around Mrs. Li’s daughter and ask if Miss Du is able to do good?”

“It’s all a group of little girls. The little girl has a small heart. She doesn’t have a tone. There is something to ask. Mrs. Li has two sons and two daughters, all of whom have a good life. The character is naturally superior…”

Qin Xiu didn’t want to listen to it, and smiled lightly. “Then you might as well recognize a son, and bring such a good Miss Du back to the Qin family.”

In that smile, both pain and helplessness coexist.

He finally understood why his sister did not return home for many years, and even refused to talk to Qin mother on the phone. He finally understood, and it was time for him to finally escape.

“Mom, I let you down, and you, I am very tired, goodbye, Mom.” Qin Xiu smiled, very tired and tired smile, saw Qin mother stunned, he turned and left.

“Qin Xiu! Qin Xiu! Give me a stop!”

Qin mother, who was completely flustered, tried to help her to stand still as usual. However, only Qin Xiu’s head did not return, revealing the back of tiredness.

Ye Jian did not know when Qin Xiu left, and the quiet operation floor suddenly suddenly came a little disappointing and screaming, although she was some distance away from her, she was very clear.

Didn’t pay attention to why some people would be angry and swearing and screaming at Qin Xiu, she was still waiting for the end of the operation, and it was another hour. After nine hours, there was no movement. When did she have to wait?

I haven’t waited until the end of the surgery, and waited until the four guards who were transferred from the summer commander.

(End of this chapter)

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