Chapter 4030 Cruel Facts

The guards all wore plain clothes, and the four men went out at the same time. A murderous rush of fire came to the surface, and the guarded land police officers and several of his colleagues stood up.

The four guards looked like X-rays with an icy breath sweeping across the face. Finally, they first bowed to the middle-aged officers of the oldest, and then walked to Ye Jian.

They were dressed in casual clothes and stood in front of Ye Jian. “Hello, Ye Jian, the superior ordered us four to stand guard. You can order us to do anything at any time.”

The sound is cold and hard to make people feel safe. Every word is powerful. Every word can be heard. They are not ordinary guards. In just a few words, they have heard their strict discipline and extraordinary strength.

Colleagues around the police officer looked at them in front of them, and the four casual soldiers who came from the top of Mount Taishan were staggered. After they staggered, they saw their own people and they did not open.

With such a strong momentum, even if they are dressed in casual clothes, they know that they are all soldiers.

After retiring, he retired to the retired military in the army and alerted the military region. He also specially sent guards. The two young criminals of Yan Chi and Ji Jie immediately thought that they were blind and did not reveal the true identity of the parties.

It won’t be… a big leader in the military!

Ye Jane is very grateful for their arrival, and they are guarding, she is assured.

Moreover, if this incident is really leaked because of Chen Shu’s identity, then the police investigating the matter are very likely to be in danger and can no longer involve innocent policemen coming in.

She asked: “I don’t know if there are any other arrangements above? Is it handled by ourselves?”

“Handed over to us, the police is only responsible for the preliminary investigation, and is responsible for the investigation of suspicious personnel in the entire railway station square. The above has been reported to the next level. The commander-in-chief tells us that President Chen has a military behind him. Please do not worry.”

“You are waiting for the end of the surgery of President Chen, and other things are handed over to the above.”

Ye Jianzheng is going to talk. The light in the operating room suddenly turns from red to green. It needs to be swiped to enter the operating room. The first heavy protective door is automatically opened. A doctor wearing a light green surgical suit with a sterile cap and a mask. walk out.

The policemen who had watched the four guards all brushed and turned around. Ye Jian rushed over like a lunge and asked, “Doctor, how is my uncle?”

I don’t have to ask “Who is a family member”. The doctor took off his mask and looked at the anxious young woman who looked up because he was out. He sighed softly: “I’m sorry, we tried our best, and the patient has a weak consciousness. Go in and have a look.”

Said, and bent down to Ye Jian.

Sorry…we…do it…power…

Just eight characters, the words are like a thunder and thunder, and the thin body that has been strong until Ye Jian has been strong is so swaying.

Sorry, we tried our best.

Grab the doctor’s hand, tightly and forcefully grasp, Ye Jian asked the doctor very lightly and lightly. “Doctor, what do you mean? What do you mean?”

“Why do you say sorry? Why?”

“I am Chen Shu? Is the surgery going to be right? Then you are going in, I will not delay you, I can wait, I can wait. You can go in, I can really wait.”

The doctor has seen too many such scenes. He gently patted Ye Jian to grab his arm and sighed: “Come in, child, patient is always standing, you can see the last glance.”

Very cruel, but it is a fact that cannot be changed.

Feeling… and the little goblins who are at home.

Thanks to the support of the military marriage, thank you for your support of the genuine marriage, genuine support is the greatest support for me and the military marriage.

Now the cloud is very recharged, and there are a variety of books to send what, do not need to look at the piracy that is not complete, typo and no modification.

This is an update in the early morning of the 6th, and there will be tomorrow during the day.

Good night, little fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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