Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4031 - Step by step blood (important)

Chapter 4031 Step by step blood (important)

Everyone knows what the doctor said, Ye Jian… She knows that she just doesn’t want to accept it.

How can she accept it?

That is to accompany her to grow up, to help her through the darkest time of rebirth, to educate her, to guide her in the right direction of life, and also to the teacher and the father of Chen Shu, not others, not others, that is her relatives, She is thinking in her heart, thinking about wherever she goes, and thinking about Chen Shu, who must be filial in the future.

That is not someone else, it is the darkest and most painful darkness, giving her a mother-like love, Chen Shu.

Although she has not shouted “Dad”, in her heart, Chen Shu is her father, and her father is like her father.

However, now… she is going to lose him.

Dragging heavy feet, every step is like a pound, taking the first step, delaying to take another second step, for fear that she will take another step, her loved ones, she is most respectful like father-like Chen Shu It will be a step away from her.

Step by step, step by step blood.

The face was white, snowy and white, and the lips were not even more transparent. The pale color made the four guards who accompanied the same into it unwilling to worry.

Feng instructor went to the base of the rushed to the hospital to go to the phone, there is a small distance from the hospital, there are leaders of the South Provincial Military Region, and an old friend and old acquaintance of President Chen, who also helped Ye Jian many The strict political commissar.

“What! It’s not going to be?!!” The leader of the base listened and his face changed dramatically. He said to the driver: “Fast, fast, hurry up!”

The heart of the strict political commissar has sunk to the bottom.

It’s not going to be, old Chen… it’s not going to be!

Lao Chen, you are too disappointing! Why don’t you become! You are from the battlefield, from the dead heap, the world-class sniper rifle king who stepped on the enemy’s body!

You, why not!

Why not!

The taxi driver who drove the car bite his teeth and stepped on the gas pedal. It was almost ten o’clock in the evening, and the peak period had passed. Otherwise, he couldn’t think of it quickly.

“Old Chen is not going to be, we have to rush to see him on the last side, listen to what he still has to explain.” The base leader’s face is a bit white, hands clenched, said to the strict political commissar: “good Xiaoye has already arrived at the hospital. Otherwise, Lao Chen’s most memorable younger generation can’t see it.”

The ruthless and strict political commissar pressed the corner of his mouth. After a while, he lowered his head. “Chen Shu, this is the hand, he left, the most painful is the leaflet.”

“The child stayed with Lao Chen for the longest time. When Chen promised an old comrade to grow up with Xiaoye, he had to see Xiaoye stepping into the military camp and seeing Xiaoye find a happy life. This guy… This guy……”

The voice is getting lower and lower, and it is getting more and more heavy. When the sound is broken, the political commissar has already choked. “This guy has always said a word, how can he renege on it?”

“I have to find him to settle the account, I have to find him to settle the account.”

In that year, President Chen secretly retired and came to Fujun Township Middle School to become a principal. The number of people who knew his true identity was quite small. Liu Tuan and Yan Zhengwei, who were assigned to the Fushan troops of Fujun Town, belonged to the insiders.

Suddenly I learned that the old friends who had worked together for many years were unable to accept the bullets in the body.

He can’t accept it, let alone Ye Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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