Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4036 - From warm to cold

Chapter 4036 from warm to cold

“Let’s start her.” The leader of the provincial military area said softly, indicating that the guard standing next to Ye Jian raised her.

Lao Chen has already left, and will never come back.

There was no way to pull Ye Jian up. When the first guard pulled her, she was not wary of her. She didn’t even think she would be hit by a female soldier, but he was really smashed by her shoulder.

When the second guard went to pull, she was positioned by the chill in her eyes, slowly retracted her hand and looked at the leader who came to the provincial military region.

It’s too cruel to pull her away at this time.

The leaders of the provincial military region saw this and could not help but close their eyes.

Lao Chen, Lao Chen, you are good, go clean, you look at the children around you, you let her alone, you say you have not squatted.

The leader of the base saw Ye Jian, seeing Ye Jian forbidding anyone to approach, he sighed: “Don’t pull, let her stay with Chen. We… arrange all the relevant matters. Come back later.”

At this point, let Xiaoye and Lao Chen be so alone, and this is the time to be alone.

“Alright, then we will come back later.” The leaders of the provincial military region were deeply stunned at the operating table. The leaders of the base then went deep together and turned away.

The political commissars at the entrance of the operating room waited for them to come out. His throat was swiftly moved after he had not moved for a long time. He took off his military cap and walked in step by step.

The operating room was very cold, cold to the cold in the bones, and the grief in the operating room was too strong. It was so thick that he had not yet walked to the old Chen, and then the tears of the strong rushed out.

Deeply embarrassed, for a long time, there was no straight up the back. When he was raised again, the political commissar of the Yan Dynasty was red with his nose. He leaned back and threw the tears back again.

Then I walked to Ye Jian, and the hand was difficult to lift, and then slowly fell on the shoulders of Ye Jian, gently patted, “Shantou, you will accompany you Chen Shu.”

“He, treat you as a daughter, and raise a daughter. You must be the most slain before you leave. You will accompany him and talk to him. Yan Shu will come back to accompany you.”

This place is too cold, but fortunately, Chen is not afraid of cold, it is Xiaoye… I am so cold on the cold ground, she is cold.

The military uniform jacket was taken off, and the political commissar of the Yan Dynasty would also wear the jacket of his own body temperature on Ye Jian. The child was too painful to ache, and he was more painful than his own prostitute.

The leaves of the liver and intestines did not know who came and who left. She kept holding Chen Shu’s hand and kept squatting. She seemed to want to make Chen’s hand hotter, so that her respected relatives would not Will leave.

It can be futile.

The warmth of President Chen’s palms is getting weaker and lighter. Even if Ye Jane blushes her hands, she will not heat the principal of Chen’s hand, nor will she be able to warm the palm of President Chen.

The loss of life is from warm to cold.

The police officers who kept the door at the door could not bear to watch it.

“Lu Ge, do you want to pull her up? It’s been an hour.” Police Ji Jie said softly, he really couldn’t stand it anymore. After spending more than an hour, he also took a lot of hands. Hours, the voice was dumb now, she was still there.

The police officer looked inside and sighed: “You two are guarding. I am going outside to ask for help.”

The Labula had several leaders in the army. They did not speak, and he could not be the master.

(End of this chapter)

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