Chapter 4037 is a lifetime

Outside, Commander-in-Chief took the chill out of the elevator. Behind him, the two guards followed closely. The commander-in-chief of Xia was much bigger and more urgent. They were much bigger and more urgent.

The footsteps were as thunderous as the thunder, and the sound of the sound blew.




The soldiers standing on the promenade outside the operating room have already seen the commander-in-chief who is in a hurry. They just honored the military ceremony, and the commander-in-chief of the sun was swept away. The heavy eyes of the military suddenly became fierce. “People, no rescue.”

Don’t ask, the tone is definitely said.

“Well, one hour and eleven minutes ago… passed away.” The leader of the Southern Military Region replied, “Now in the operating room, Lao Chen’s relatives Xiaoye is accompanying.”

Xiaoye, Ye Jian, Commander-in-Chief of Xia was accompanied by Ye Jian, and he was relieved to burn while he was slightly relieved.

The old six has just passed, Lao Chen passed away here, the child of Xiaoye… the person who beats the iron, and then the strong heart… can’t stand it!

“There are no people in it!” The commander-in-chief of Xia, who had become a fierce voice, was a drinker. The land police officer who had reached the door of the first door of the operating room could not take a step back.

The voice is too imposing, and it is more powerful than their director, the director above the bureau.

Taking a deep breath, the police officers came out and just heard the leader of an army replied, “Several police officers of the East Branch are guarding, and we first come out to discuss follow-up matters. Lao Chen is gone, his afterlife needs If you get it right, you can’t let a hero go so quietly.”

Can’t let a hero go so quietly… There is a bleakness in the eyes of Commander-in-Chief Xia.

“Commander-in-chief, if one day I really have an accident, don’t give me any scenes, let the officers and men come over and run, my identity can be low-key and try to be low-key. I don’t like Lao Geshu, I really want to accidentally put me in the ashes. Sprinkle it into the Yellow River. I have several comrades who are all sprinkling in the Yellow River. I am like them, maybe they will find them and have a companion.”

Lao Chen did not say anything wrong. His identity is destined to be unknown.

Commander-in-chief Xia did not answer immediately, but walked into the operating room.

He saw the squatting leaf Jane, saw her head pillow on the side of the operating table, holding Chen Shu’s arm in his hand, and shouted “Chen Shu… Chen Shu…” in his mouth.

At that moment, Rao was the commander of the summer and also burst into tears.

The child of Xiaoye has gone through several lives and deaths. Now even Chen has gone, he is worried that she can come over.

At this time, the sixth is to be with her, how good it is. I can face her with her, and she will be sad for her, to comfort her and encourage her.

Unfortunately, when the oldest six is ​​needed… he is not there.


Ye Jian was pulled up by Commander-in-Chief of Xia. He said to Ye Jian: “Ye Shutou, go to Chen Shu for a clean military uniform, we have to wear it for him.”

“You Chen Shu’s life is short but eloquent. He guarded the border of our motherland and defended the dignity of the country. He attacked countless dangerous elements who jeopardized our country and used his sniper rifle to win victory again and again.”

“Now he is gone, and you are the sniper he personally taught. You accepted his inheritance. You took the sniper rifle in his hand and picked up the responsibility he gave you.”

“He is gone, you have to pick everything he has given you, you can’t because he left, you forget.”

(End of this chapter)

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