Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4063 - Dare to try again?

Chapter 4063 dare to try again?

The first thing that did the first year of the offensive weapon in the hand was to first smash the dagger in the other hand, and from the passive dodge she became an active attack, the chain in the middle of the nunchaku Locking the opponent’s dagger, and then a twisting force, the extremely sharp dagger was flung out.

The dagger crossed the cold light in the light of the street lamp, and crossed an arc from the air. Finally, the “jingle” fell to the side of the road.

After a brief look at Ye Jian, she walked over and picked up the dagger.

It’s just that her self-defense weapon is now a bundle of ropes. Use this for yourself as a self-defense weapon.

Not afraid to leave fingerprints, only temporarily in her hands.

On the other side of the anniversary year, it broke out completely. She used her arms as a gluten-like slap. She could clearly hear that the sorrowful leaves of the bones were so painful that they felt pain in their arms.

Although the other party did not call out because of the pain, but the low-pitched voice from time to time in the throat also knows that he is hurt.

How can it not hurt?

The anniversary of the smoldering heart in my heart was all about playing hard, except that I didn’t go to the other’s head, and there was no place for her.

“Grandpa, you know the hero, the anniversary year is quite powerful… I can’t be a big brother’s girlfriend, I also want to be friends with her, it’s amazing!”

Ye Jian looked at the anniversary year and took the beggar who had just had a dagger in his hand. The Western man who was fully active and attacked had no power to fight, and his mouth was low and amazed.

The woman who will fight, she has met, and also played, but … she has not encountered in the country, it should be said that she has not encountered.

This time I came across and saw that Ye Jian wanted to make a stronger mind.

The anniversary year only knows that her own peers are also women, but she did not recognize Ye Jian. Now she only knows that the guy who dares to shoot a gun in the Chinese territory will be ruined!

Still got it!

Come to the Chinese territory to come to the wild, is the police in the middle of the country?

Western man Fred has been hit by his legs and his arms are quite painful. When he lifts his foot again, after a side flash of the anniversary year, the nunchaku in his hand slams and hits again and again. His calf bones, when he pulled his foot back, the whole leg was numb.

“Awkward? Crazy? Come and try again!”

With both hands, the nunchaku is tightened. Under the streetlights, the nunchaku made by the steel makes the cold light that makes people feel scared. The cold light passes through the eyes of the anniversary year, so that this lively and cheerful female special police has a few points will make the crime The molecules are afraid of suffocation.

She didn’t speak English. She said directly about the Beijing film. The cold and cold tune also had a few lazy, so that Ye Jian heard the corner of the corner of the bend deeper.

In the anniversary of the female special police, she really looks forward to being friends with her.

Feere, who had both hands and feet hit by the nunchaku to the bones, wanted to withdraw. He gently licked the right leg that had just been beaten, and his eyes disappeared without any traces.

Yu Guangli, he saw his companion lying still in the middle of the road, just shrouded by street lights, and Fred was a little sinking.

Didn’t move, was this solved by the Chinese policewoman?

It is not a solution, but it cannot be moved. Because of a movement, the neck will be tightened by the silver yarn, and the more it moves, the tighter it is, so that the Western man who is substituted by Ye Jian is completely afraid to move.

He only hopes that everything will end soon!

Fred didn’t know if his companion was dead or alive, but he knew he had to withdraw.

(End of this chapter)

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