Chapter 4064 must be handsome.

The line of sight did not shoot from the other, only passed by the Chinese policewoman next to him. Then he looked at the left side where no one was watching. The gloomy Fred was preparing to withdraw to the left and heard it. The Chinese policewoman standing next to him said coldly to him: “Would you like to escape from the left side? You can’t escape anywhere tonight.”

Seeing that his intended leaf is like laughing and laughing, he said in English, “In our country, there are guns wounding and breaking the laws of our country. Do you say that we will let you escape from the scene?”

“When the law enforcement officers in our country are all rag dolls, can’t you hit them?”

Ye Jian opened his mouth and blinked in the anniversary year.

This voice, this person… squinted at the anniversary of the blink of an eye, his eyes widened, this is this… Isn’t this the leaf that I think is unfortunately not going to contact?

That is to say, she is helping her all the way!

In the anniversary year, I suddenly laughed, but the smile was not completely covered with eyes and a little bit dimmed. It was because of her that she lost her loved one.

Although Ye Jian said that the responsibility lies not with her, but she was responsible for the safe duty of the train station at the time, although Lu Ge said that the responsibility is not in her, but she could not pass the hurdle in her own heart.

Tonight, she helped herself out of danger. Hey, I don’t know how to thank her.

The heart of the year turns into a thousand years of anniversary. I quickly confessed all the complexities in my heart. Now I don’t want to think about anything else, but I’m going to catch the guy who has no way to escape. The interrogation is completed.

I want to run, no way!

Fred was irritated when he wanted to run. He thought about it, and everything was broken in the future. It seems that the two policewomen must grab him.

Fred knows that their plan has completely failed this time!

Since you can’t escape, then…

If Fred wants to withdraw, he will turn to Ye Jian. If he can’t escape, then only the hostages will leave here!

Well, he wants to hijack the special female soldier Ye Jian, a special female soldier with a bit more serious anniversary.

Ye Jian sees this and wants to laugh.

Could it be that she is really bullying?

Can we target her in the anniversary year?

Then she will not be polite!

When I saw the anniversary year, I drank a “caution” and the whole person rushed over. She was afraid that the other party would hurt Ye Jian.

However, soon, her eyes were bigger and rounder.


The cow-high horse rushed over, and then she saw Ye Jian, a running-up just stepping on the wheel of the rollover, and saw that her whole person was volleyed. The straight legs were extremely sharp and extremely sloping. His own instep swept the side of the man’s face.


Fred, who was swept in his head, fell to the ground in an instant, and there wasn’t even a slowdown. It was swept away by Ye Jian.

The leaves were flat, the straight and slender feet were slightly open, and the hands were shaking hands one by one. The sharp sight of the cold did not bring a trace of temperature to the Western men who were swept out of her concussion.

If she didn’t guess wrong, this guy should have planned to hijack her as a hostage and force him to leave the anniversary year.

Unfortunately, the abacus is wrong!

The anniversary year was shocked, and it was shocked by Ye Jian’s handsome and handsome volley.

Leaf… Ye Jian!

so smart!

It’s so handsome! Handsome to the moment, in her heart, the pro-brother Zhou Huaisheng took the first position, Ye Jian became her first in mind!

In the anniversary year, I like her very much, hahaha, I like her to catch the younger brother.

Reminded by the little fairy, I found that I really like the word “year” and “瑾”.

Anniversary year, Li Yinian, Zhou Yizhen… Hahaha, seeking the anniversary year and Li Lannian is CP.

Zhou Yizhen is definitely K7, she will make K7 happy and painful, it must be sweet pain.

(End of this chapter)

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