Chapter 4069 Eyes

In the anniversary year, I think that Ye Jian has specifically told her that she is not very convenient here, and she will fight for Ye Jian.

The most important thing is… I just saw the white light of the police car. She saw a very obvious bloodshot in Ye Jian’s eyes. There was still a slight faintness between the brows. I was afraid that even the sorrow she had not found, the anniversary was low. Head, the corner of the mouth can not help but tighten.

Ye Jian’s relatives passed away a few days ago. The blood in her eyes is so heavy. I must sleep well late at night. I don’t want to delay her too late. Go home early to rest.

These words, she can not tell the captain that she could not mention the things in the hospital that night, so there is no way to tell the captain too clearly, only to remind the captain from Ye Jian’s family.

Hope it is useful.

The captain here is still a cadet. His eyes will look at the anniversary year and then look at the cadets who are still on the phone. They ask: “Now the military school and the police school are all women.” Comrades are amazing. When you came to a police academy, you came to a military academy.”

“How, still look down on our lesbians?” The brows of the anniversary year were tightened, and I took a look at Ye Jian and continued to discuss with my team leader. “You don’t have any relationship with her tonight, you can stand by and watch. But she didn’t have it, it helped me so much, this is the blessing of life, captain.”

“She said that she had to catch the plane back to school in the morning. You shouldn’t routinely do it here. Just ask a few words here. Don’t let her go to the brigade.”

“The family is big, I am afraid that when she comes to the house, our special police team is small, and I have to continue to alarm.” Captain, you, listen to me this time, you can’t be wrong.”

The captain saw her guarding her strength, fearing that she would be embarrassed by her savior. She couldn’t help but laugh. “Isn’t it big, can you afford a bulletproof car?” He shook the rifle in the handshake and looked back. I saw a female military student from the opposite side of the house coming across the road. “Serially ask a few words, it will take three or five minutes.”

In the anniversary year, I heard a relaxed tone in my heart, and smiled like a flower: “Well, small thank you for the captain.”

Still small, this skinned policewoman, the captain saw her being chased and killed by a foreigner with a gun, and her heart was so big that she couldn’t help but shake her head and laugh.

The Zhou family came out, there is really no such thing, Zhou Huainian, the anniversary year, and their other Zhoujia other police elites, all of them are powerful.

It’s amazing, but it’s also a lot of risk.

This is not the case, even the foreigners are smashing their guns against the anniversary year. This matter, Zhou Huainian must be able to insert a hand, and Zhou Director does not need to say that, must check.

It’s time to check it out, and if it’s not enough, it will only secretly encourage their arrogance!

In the anniversary year, the captain of the team was relieved, and the smile climbed up. “Captain, and her car, you let our team fix it. If you are brave enough, you can’t let her fix it.”

“She is a car, and she is very senior. We are afraid that it will not be repaired. We have to go to other places to repair it. If you pay for it, you will bear it. You are more prepared to pay for it. Don’t end it.” When the money is not enough.”

The captain saw her small abacus playing “squeaky” and deliberately stared at her. “Don’t think about the team, you see this as a private venge, and it’s all about working hours, and has nothing to do with the team. ”

(End of this chapter)

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