Chapter 4070 Maintenance

In the anniversary year, the team was not responsible for repairing the car. Her own car would be considered, and the meat was cut and repaired. Can Ye Jian’s car be repaired, or an anti-ball car, to go outside to repair also have a place to collect it!

Although Ye Jian said that her car may not enter the special police brigade repair, but she has to prepare to prepare for this, in case of need to enter the brigade repair?

“Captain, you are not right. Even though I am off duty, it is really hard to say that it is not private. When I heard the gunshots, I thought I would rather sacrifice myself, and I would not let them hurt the innocent people. You blame me for this realization, always put people’s safety in the first place. With this, we have to praise me in the team.”

“and also……”

She also wants to say that the captain heard a first two big, how does he feel that this anniversary year… is a miser?

When it comes to money, the little face is tight!

“Don’t have it, she has already finished the call over there, I will ask her.” Captain Marily interrupted the anniversary year and walked from the darkness of the lamppost to the dim light, so that he could come. Ye Jian can see him at a glance.

Ye Jian had already communicated with Yang Shaojian. She saw the anniversary year and their captains stood talking and had a shallow smile on the corner.

The anniversary year was very cautious, and I was afraid that the foreign man who had been stunned by himself would hear something.

The captain let the anniversary year stand behind him. Ye Jian came over and he took the lead and extended his hand. “Hello, I am the captain of the anniversary year, Jiang Yu, thank you for your help tonight.”

“Maintaining social stability also has our responsibility. Captain Jiang is not polite.” Ye Jian reached out and shook hands with each other. They were very polite and relaxed. They said: “Since Jiang captain you have come over, there is no time when I am here. It’s all right.”

“Sorry, I still need to ask a few words to make a routine. I hope you can forgive me.” Captain Jiang said with a smile. “For three or five minutes, I don’t know if I have delayed you.”

Standing in the anniversary year behind Jiang Yu, Ye Jian was gesturing with a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth were also opened. Although he did not say anything, Ye Jian understood her meaning through her mouth.

The idea is to let her hand over the car to the special police brigade for repair.

Blinking her eyes, Ye Jian’s politeness to the commander of the special police uniform, said: “It’s just waiting for us to send a car over and drag my car away, and we can’t delay our time.”

Jiang captain heard the words and turned his head to the anniversary year: “Now rest assured, don’t worry that the car has no place to repair.”

“There is a place to repair the car. That is also the responsibility of my side.” The anniversary year also worried that Ye Jian would not be criticized when it was time. The license plate number was in the military area, and the car in the military area was hit like this. How did she cross the post after she went back?

Wen Yan, Ye Jian laughed, she saw the worry of the anniversary year, “Do not worry, I will not have anything here. Take it back to repair, I am more assured.”

In the anniversary year, this was only fixed. She still had something to say, but her captain still needs to ask a few routines, and then she temporarily pouted and asked the captain to ask questions.

I didn’t ask anything else. One was to ask where Ye Jian saw it. Where did she come from, and asked a few more questions about other doubts, just as Jiang captain said that it would be three or five minutes in total.

(End of this chapter)

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