Chapter 4074 murderer

In the beginning of the anniversary, she said that her family was very normal except for her. It was only a few days before she went to work. Even a newcomer who did not encounter a big case was targeted by foreigners. I personally feel incredible in the anniversary year. Later, in the anniversary year, she said that she did not avenge anyone, except for a few pickpockets.

But if you say that the anniversary year is involved in the death of Chen Shu? Let foreign organizations focus on it?

Doesn’t there be a better explanation for everything?

When I opened the key to catch the leaf Jane, the sound was cold and frosty. “Mr. Major, the female special policeman I helped tonight, when I was killed by Chen Shu, she was on duty at the train station.”

Yang Shao, who is at the end of the mobile phone, has not yet got off work. After a Spring Festival, many things need to have a charter. Most of Yang’s departure from the military every day is almost around 12 am.

He held the microphone in one hand, and he was listening to the document while holding a pen in one hand. He was very dignified and asked: “What do you want to say?”

I’m sure I found something on the side of the leaflet, otherwise I won’t suddenly mention it.

“The anniversary year is met by two foreigners shooting with guns. She told me that she has not been in contact with a major case since she took up her post, nor has she offended anyone except her parents and big brother. Nothing is enmity.”

“I also told me once that I was looking for a few foreigners to come to revenge. She couldn’t figure out anything about herself. Guess whether it would be the enemy of his parents and big brother, pick her up and start.”

“Major general, do you think it is possible for these people to start with the anniversary year, only because Chen Shu was killed when she was killed, and she did not want to see the murderer at the scene?”

“If you explain this, you can explain why the annual meeting is being targeted by several foreigners.”

Ye Jian slowly took his suspicions, sorted out seemingly unrelated things, and found a common entry point. Then, things that have nothing to do with it are related.

In the anniversary year, two foreigners were shot with guns, and two foreigners with certain skills were shooting with guns. She felt that she could not understand it. However, now that this matter is coincident with Chen Shuyi, we can understand it. !

After her analysis, Major Yang did not immediately approve, put down the pen in his hand and asked: “Who is the parents of the anniversary year? Who is the big brother? Have you just understood?”

“Who is the parents, I didn’t know, but she mentioned her older brother Zhou Huainian. She also mentioned that her mother said that there are countless lawyers who have been invited by the bad guys to lose in her mother’s iron teeth.”

Ye Jane paused slightly and said: “I have the contact information for the anniversary year. If you want to know, I can contact her immediately.”

“Good! You are now in contact with the anniversary year. In addition, what you said is not impossible. The two are now taken away by the special police brigade. They are relatively safe and reliable. You tell the anniversary year and tell her your guess by the way. She is since As a special police officer, the sensitivity should not be bad.”

“I want to check who Zhou Huaiian is here. If she listens to her, her parents and brothers should have certain status and status.”

Although Ye Jian said that he is still in the speculation, Yang’s instincts of Ye Jian used to believe that she is not an untargeted temper. The two things seem to have nothing to do with each other. The connection lies in: On the day of the murder of President Chen, she was on duty at the scene, and she was the first special police to rush to the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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