Can Chapter 4075 escape?

Foreign personnel believe that the murderer was discovered in the anniversary year, and then returned to kill and destroy the mouth. Thinking in this direction is not obvious!

Major General Yang’s look is more and more dignified. It’s true. Now it’s not that Ye Jian is dangerous, but… the special police year is a big danger!

Yang Shao, who finished the call, took the time to investigate the identity of Zhou Huainian first. It is still relatively easy for the military to investigate the identity of a person.

Ye Jian immediately went to the telephone to contact the anniversary year.

On the phone of the anniversary year of Tongping Avenue, she thought that it was a phone call from a big brother. It seemed that the electric contact person, the anniversary year, smiled and answered the phone lightly. “Hey, Ye Jian. Are you so fast?”

“No, still in the car. I found a doubt here, I want to talk to you.” Ye Jian did not immediately ask the parents of the anniversary year, but first told his guess to the anniversary year.

In the anniversary year, I was afraid that my colleague sitting next to me would hear that the whole person was stuck in the car and listened to the phone all the way.

Listening to the more serious look on her face, let alone Ye Jian, such a guess, she really thinks it is possible.

“Well, I understand, I will contact the captain immediately. I will sort out the scene of the day. If I really see something, it is a good thing!”

A solemn year of the year, the voice was lowered and Ye Jian talked. Outside, the light column of the street lamp flashed from her face, half-light and half-dark. The look on her face showed a rare sigh of relief. “You can rest assured. I will cooperate with you here!”

Ye Jian heard the words, and the corner of his mouth rose. She replied: “Well, thank you, every year.”

I don’t know why, although I only know the anniversary year tonight, I always feel that the anniversary year is a friend who is very reliable and worthy of trust.

Yes, the anniversary year is now her friend, and she will be friends as soon as she sees it.

In the anniversary year, I felt that this thing needs “thank you”. This is within her responsibility. She whispered, “I have been guilty. If these two people are really as you said, I am very happy.”

“As long as I am still fine, they will not stop the day, they will continue to choose to shoot, then, I will wait for them to come!”

Use yourself as a bait to lure the real murderer!

Ye Jian heard the hand of the handshake is a tight, Chen Shu did not escape, anniversary year … can escape?

“I hope now is not, every year, because it is too dangerous.” Ye Jian’s eyes dry and every time he said a word, it hurts, and it is very tight and tight. “I am Chen Shu, he has not avoided…”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, these things are handed over to us to deal with it, you, still a student, just study hard. I am now in contact with my captain, you go home early, let’s talk again next time. “”

After a sigh of relief, the phone was hung in the anniversary year, and Ye Jian listened to the “dudu” sound inside, put his hand down, and held the phone tightly against his forehead.

If everything is as she guesses, the anniversary year is really life-threatening!

Ye Jian did not ask who the parents of the anniversary year were. She clenched her hand to the knuckle bone and she sighed deeply, and gave Yang Shaojun a phone call.

Miss Yang has already known who the parents of the anniversary year are.

Although the system is different, the name of Zhou Hailin, the director of the public security department, has heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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