Chapter 4076 Caution

Zhou Huainian’s personal information has already been transferred. Yang Shao will look at it while he and Ye Jiandao: “Zhou’s handling of the case is like a god, breaking through countless strange cases, and the means are quite vigorous and vigorous. When he was in Jiangbei, the local black forces were wiped out by him. It can be said that there are countless enemies.”

Ye Jian has not been in contact with the public security system. He is very strange to the father of the anniversary year, Zhou Hailin. When he saw the introduction of Major Yang, the tone contained admiration, and his heart would be secretly waiting for him to return to Danguiyuan to see if he could go online to understand.

However, it is not yet possible to access personal information online as in later generations. It is estimated that there is nothing to understand.

“A few years ago, there was a killing order on the underworld. The bounty was very high for Zhou’s life. The consequences were broken by his son Zhou Huainian, and all the people were all in one place.”

Ye Jian’s mind flashed over the anniversary of the anniversary of Zhou Huai’s eyes. There is such a big brother who is so powerful.

In the mobile phone, Yang’s voice sighed and told Ye Jian. “If you really want to bring in the anniversary year because of the case of President Chen, you have to talk to Secretary Zhou. Some things can’t be done. It’s a little bit out.”

“Take this to us to deal with, you don’t have to worry about it here. The anniversary is being stared, then you have to be careful, there must be nothing.”

“You didn’t show up tonight? Have you seen it by two foreigners?”

Ye Jian replied, “I didn’t see me clearly. I haven’t thought of avoiding it here. The anniversary year was very cautious and pulled me away from the beginning. When I was fighting, I stood in the dark and didn’t show up. Later I went out. Directly kick people out, they should not see me clearly.”

Recalling the whole process, Ye Jian felt that the two should not have seen her clearly. At night, the street lights were also broken by them in advance, and they could see clearly.

There is no danger on her side, but there is danger in the anniversary.

In the depths of the bottom of the shovel, a dark leaf suddenly lowered his eyes and told his concern to Major General Yang. “The anniversary year is now a real danger. This time, there is no success, they will have another shot.”

“The Major General, I can’t kill the anniversary year because of Chen Shu. I would rather let the overseas organizations know about my existence and I don’t want to put the anniversary year in danger.”

“The anniversary year is dangerous, but Ye Jian, we are not vegetarian here. If the two things are really related, now we have their own people, and the people who fled, I just contacted the relevant departments, and I am also trying to trace them. We have already shot here, and those who hide the darkness will be even more afraid!”

“This is the land of our country. As long as they do not leave in a day, they will be traced by us every day. The anniversary is dangerous. Similarly, they are also dangerous!”

“You don’t have to worry too much about this. You should take care of yourself now. Once you let the overseas organization know your existence, I can tell you now that they will definitely find you and send people who will kill you.” It’s not going to be a few tricks tonight.”

“We all know that this group of people is not easy to come. We will arrange it for the anniversary year, and you only need to take good care of yourself, understand that you have not? Be careful to make Wannian boat, don’t be too big.”

Before hanging up the phone, Major Yang did not worry about Ye Jian.

I saw it in the early morning… The eight thousand words on the 13th were uploaded.

(End of this chapter)

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