Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4078 - Night is still growing

Chapter 4078 is still growing in the night

President Chen’s murder was due to the preparations of the other side, and the presence of President Chen’s presence in the Beijing Military Department was unknown. The Commander-in-Chief only privately criticized the leader of the sniper base and did not pursue it.

This time, I am afraid that it is going to be a strong wind.

Ye Jian, who hangs up the phone, reads the text message sent from the anniversary year. The thin finger is pressed on the phone key. She returned a text message to the anniversary year, but after twenty minutes, Ye Jian did not wait for the anniversary year. , call the past and the prompt has been turned off.

Ye Jan looked at the phone that didn’t move, and it took a while for the sight to fall outside.

At 11 o’clock in the night, there is no daytime paradise on the main street. There are not a few pedestrians on the street. The light of the street lights seems to be dim. It has always been so quiet, so quiet night looks so beautiful. In the dark corners where no one has seen, countless sins and evils are born, and I don’t know when I will reveal my face to break the original beauty.

The original, her own quiet and beautiful life, with the murder of Chen Shu, has been completely broken by sin and evil.

She didn’t know how it would be investigated. Just like when I investigated Li Chuhai, every step went very hard. I could say that I was step by step, and I was afraid of being disturbed by the old man.

Now, when Chen Shu is killed, there is no trace of clues. When will it be detected?

Once involved in an offshore organization, it will only be more difficult.

Now she hopes that the matter tonight is related to the killing of Chen’s murderer. She can think of the anniversary year, and she does not want it.

Very contradictory, very complicated ideas.

Ye Jian, who hadn’t been so close in the past few days, closed his eyes and covered all the coldness in his eyes. He seemed to close his eyes and raise his spirits. In fact, he sold her in a tight corner.

Although I closed my eyes, the brain did not stop resting, still thinking about things.

The darkness before dawn is not over yet, and the night is still growing.

Returning to Ye Jian of Danguiyuan, I pulled up the total electric switch that was pulled down, and I knew that there was no one in the house. The old gentleman knew that she had gone to the experimental base. I didn’t know where Fu had gone.

Fu Shu did not breathe a sigh of relief in Ye Jian. After a few days of washing, Ye Jian, who had not closed his eyes, did not get a bed and slept. It was not until 4 in the morning that he closed his eyes and was awakened by the doorbell at around 8:00 in the morning. .

Ye Jian, who went downstairs, saw the face appearing in the monitor screen. After thinking about it, he took a face and opened the door.

Back to Danguiyuan also thought about whether he could meet Qin Xiu, but he did not expect it to come across.

When the closed door opened, Qin Xiu raised a smile and said hello to the person who opened the door. “Fu Shu, early…on…good, Ye Jian.”

The sound changes from brisk to sly, and the tone and the rhythm of the Qin are not instantaneous.

Qin Xiu at the door looked at Ye Jian who stood in the door. Jun Yan was a little embarrassed. He thought that the opening of the door would be Fu Shu. As a result, he did not expect that the opening of the door would be Ye Jian.

Just so unprepared, I saw her again.

Ye Jian looked at the change of Qin Xiu Junyan’s expression, and some wanted to laugh. The appearance of a diligent diplomat should be rare.

“Good morning.” She smiled and said, still containing a touch of alienation.

In the eyes of Qin Xiu, who was slowed down, he smiled and looked at Ye Jian. Then he reacted and disturbed her to sleep.

He cleared his throat and said, “Sorry, disturbing you to sleep. When will you go home?”

(End of this chapter)

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