Chapter 4079 is a wrong life

Ye Jian looked out of the door and stood at the door. It was not a way to talk. Qin Xiu said: “I came back in the early morning, come in and sit down.”

If Qin Jian is not standing at the door, Ye Jian will not open the door casually.

Ye Jian’s invitation to Qin Xiu’s undefeated diplomat was not knowing how he came in from the gate and sat in the sofa. Even Ye Jian gave him a cup of water and handed it over. Qin Xiudu Like a child, his hands and feet squirmed and stood up to take the water.

In contrast, the leaves are simple and calm.

“Some things need to talk to you, sorry, I just got up, first wash my face and brush my teeth, you sit back first.” I didn’t seem to see Qin Xiu’s hands and feet, Ye Jian faintly finished, then went straight upstairs to comb.

At home, Qin Xiu came more than her, so that he would not feel uncomfortable when he sat alone.

Ye Jian thinks that Qin Xiu will not be uncomfortable. In fact… Qin Xiu is really very uncomfortable.

He was not the first to return to Fu’s family. When the youth was rebellious, Fu was like his second home. When he was late in the rebellious period, his favorite place to come was Fu.

Every time Grandpa Fu came over, he always smiled and asked him: “Isn’t you hungry? Eat more bowls of rice when you are hungry. If you are full, you will have the energy to continue playing. Play well, play tired and remember to go home, can’t play I can’t find the way to go home.”

The kind smile, the persuasion of not being slow, the persuasion that the family said during that time was harsh to him, and he did not listen to one sentence.

However, Grandpa Fu persuaded that he could listen to it without fail. Sometimes he could talk to Grandpa Fu and talk about his complaints at home.

At this time, Grandpa Fu always said to him: “Listening and not listening depends on yourself. It is a matter of your parents to say or not. You can choose not to listen, you can choose to leave. But you can’t break the parental pair. Children’s concern.”

Almost a year of youth rebellious period is the place where he came most. Qin Xiu put down some hot porcelain cups, touched the sofa gently, then looked at the coffee table in front of him, and the TV cabinet in front, Fu Everything in the family is still so familiar, and there has been no change since a few years ago. The only change is… I lived a girl he liked.

His only girl who has been in the heart for nearly three decades.

Unfortunately, the girl he likes doesn’t like him.

Qin Xiu sighed softly and re-elected the cup on the tea table. There was some boiling white water in the shallow enamel cup. The mist of the mist blurred his elegant face and blurred his eyes. Bitter.

That year the sun was bright. Standing indoors, he saw the girl sitting outside in the eye-catching appearance. If he knew that he would like the girl one day, he would not hesitate to go out.

Unfortunately, if you missed it, you missed it, missed it once, and missed it all your life.

Qin Xiu had a cup of boiled water and had not finished drinking. The brushed Ye Jian was dressed neatly from the upstairs. Qin Xiu looked at the girl who came towards her. She saw the faint alienation between her eyebrows and pressed her mouth with bitter water. Qin Xiu put down the water cup and asked on his own initiative: “Sorry, I have to catch the plane at noon here. The time is a bit tight. I don’t know if you have anything to discuss with me?”

Or did he take the initiative to tell her… he won’t stay too long, so don’t worry.

The plane was not fake at noon, but the time was still very plentiful, just to make her feel relieved to say so.

I fell awkwardly, twisted my waist, went to the hospital for a variety of inspections at night, updated in the morning three chapters, and continued tomorrow, I have to raise my bed tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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