Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4122 - Dangerous situation

Chapter 4122 Danger

The people who spoke were the villagers in Wangjiatun. The voices were loud and anxious. They almost all came out, even if the rain was louder and there was no cover.

Song Zhiqiu glanced at the entrance of the school and said to Ye Jian: “I used to look at it and listened to what seemed to be happening.”

“Good.” Ye Jian loosened Xu Wen’s hands and watched Song Qiu fall into the rain screen. She took back the paper and whispered to Xu Wen: “Go back to the classroom and have a rest, and tomorrow.”

Without waiting for her answer, Ye Jian stepped back, and Qingyue’s voice penetrated the rain screen and was introduced into the ears of six students. “Dissolve the rest!”

The two-hour training exercise also had a considerable impact on the six students, conquered themselves, and defeated the fear. He heard the “dissolution break” and the six straight backs had some relaxation.

I’m so tired today, I’m going to hang the escape rope during the day, and I’m going to practice the gallbladder at night. They also guessed that Ye Jian would not hide the escape rope to the place they were most afraid of. Fortunately, it was hidden under a tea tree. This is so, they did not let go before they started hand in hand for half an hour in the first half hour.

Later, looking at the time, there is really no way to separate them.

Now, finally, I’ve come over!

The students who came in for the second batch of daring gave a round of applause. He Jing even gave Xu Wen a big hug. She always liked to fight her. However, she clenched Xu Wen hard. The voice was obviously excited. Wenzi! From now on, you let me look at you!”

Xu Wen, who has been able to open the room for three-point color, immediately became proud. “Of course, who is Xu Wen, I am not afraid of it, there is no difficulty that I can’t beat!”

“It’s raining in the big night, little things!”

He Jing: “…” Breathing deeply, resisting the urge to kill her, and quickly withdrawing her own hands to embrace her.

She was afraid that she would hold her hands, her hands were uncontrollable and hugged to Xu Wen’s neck, and then she was not controlled by the “holding neck” to change her neck.

Ye Jian stood at the door of the classroom and saw the students who had completed the training of the biliary training filled with joy on their faces. They did not leave the excessive scare, and the smile on the corner of the mouth could not help but be a little deeper.

Raise your hand, not light or heavy, and the wooden door painted with dark grass and green paint in the classroom. Only three sounds were heard. Some of the classrooms were quiet. The seven students who had not completed the training were consciously standing in front, waiting. Leaf leaves the order.

Song Zhiqiu, who understood the situation, rushed with a wet air and walked across the drainage ditch of the teaching building. Two steps went to Ye Jian.

The footsteps of the running in the rain came in a hurry, and Ye Jian turned around and looked at Song Qiqiu in front of his eyes. “What happened.”

“The houses of the two villagers collapsed, and the whole people were buried. There was also an old man in the family who was afraid that the rain would be too big to rush the pond and the embankment, and went out with the umbrella until now. The village cadres shouted people and rescued them. People, go to the old man.”

“I just watched it. There is no strong year. The village cadres said that the young people in the village are all going out to work, and staying in the village is mostly for children and the elderly.”

Song Zhiqiu finished his breath, wiped the rain on his face, and asked Ye Jian calmly. “The village cadres know that we are here. I want us to help. What do you think? People are still waiting for us to reply.”

What do you think? Nothing to look at, you have to go.

(End of this chapter)

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