Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4123 - Flying to the disaster

Chapter 4123 is flying over the disaster

Ye Jian Shen said: “It’s only past, the old people are not familiar with us. It’s not clear where they went. This is handed over to the villagers. We are going to save the villagers buried under the collapsed houses.”

Soon, the village cadres waiting outside saw the number ten soldiers wearing flashlights appear. At that moment, he only knew that he was relieved and knew that the villagers buried in the same village under the house were saved.

The older generation said, the most reliable is the military!

He now believes in the top ten soldiers!

“One family has four people, grandparents still have two baby, big baby is in fourth grade, and small baby is in first grade. One family has five people, grandparents and two grandchildren, one is four years old, one is two years old. There is also an 80-year-old man.”

“Flying in a disaster, flying into a disaster, good end, this room will collapse! People are buried inside, still do not know that live is not alive!”

The village cadres were anxious to talk, all were acquaintances, and they greeted them during the day. As a result, the house fell at night and the people were buried!

The two families also have the distance of Erli Road. Ye Jianli immediately grouped fifteen people. She led eight people and Song Zhiqiu took seven people to go to the two houses where the house collapsed.

Under the heavy rain, the brick houses made by mud bricks collapsed most suddenly because of the age. In the past, similar things happened in Shuikou Village, and it was not once or twice.

“First of all, to ensure your own safety, leave two people to observe and watch the surrounding, once you find a second collapse scene, immediately exit! Can not be forced!”

“If you go to the destination, you must confirm the specific location of the buried villagers. The villagers have already gone to bed like this. The buried position is in the bedroom, first search from the bedroom. Pay attention to the beam of the house, the beams of the old house are all It’s a mountain cedar tree, it’s quite heavy, you have to be careful.”

There is no time to gather the original place. Ye Jian is running around while squatting around the students. The villagers need to be rescued, but their own safety is also important!

When Song Zhiqiu left the team, he solemnly said to Ye Jian: “The most important thing to pay attention to is the one inside. Don’t let yourself be in danger. You can’t accident!”

“We can’t do anything, no one can do it. Vice Captain, I will give you the safety of the trainees.”

Ye Jian did not think that the wild survival training would encounter such a dangerous emergency. It is inevitable that there will be some worry in the heart. However, the students are not able to pick the students who can’t pick them, but they are also trained in the military academy. The grassroots officers have their own strengths, and they have a little peace of mind.

In a separate path, Ye Jian took a group of students to go up, and Song Zhiqiu took a group of students to the nearest destination.

The village cadres also found out who is the leader, and while taking the road, they panted and yelled at Ye Jian: “This family is poor, the daughter-in-law is too poor, and the second baby is born and ran. The son went out to find someone, I didn’t come back with a letter when I found the second child in the first grade.”

“It’s up to two old couples to pull two grandchildren, eat nothing, wear what they don’t wear, and if it’s not for the city to support two children to go to school, the family will have more difficulties.”

“It has been so pitiful, but God still has to torture two old couples, and there is no family at all!”

Xu Wen, who was followed, red eyes.

At the moment, it is not about how difficult it is to care for a family. Ye Jian is very calm and asks: “Is the villager found to hear the following movements? Have you called them? Are there any voices?”

(End of this chapter)

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