Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4164 - How do you do this?

Chapter 4164, how to do this?

I felt so sleepy, relaxed, and always warned that Ye Jian, who had a little bit of wind and grass, could wake up, and she was not completely awake by her, even if it was not clear. Unclear incitement, only in exchange for her “baby” sound like a small milk dog, lazy, soft, so that Xia Jinyuan, who is buried in the “work”, was excited to shake it several times.

It’s really a… a little goblin!

This is not counting.

In the leaves of Jian Shu, who felt very comfortable, his hands clasped Xia Jinyuan’s head directly and came close to his arms.


The air in the room boiled in a straight line to the speed like a rocket rising. Xia Jinyuan, who stole the incense, did not expect that he would be smashed by the leaves… almost suffocating.

Soft and flexible touch is really… non-general enjoyment, you can understand why there is a sacred saying of “Peony under the death of a ghost and a romantic”.

The whole face was buried deep in a softness, and he didn’t want to look up even if he turned his back.

Xia Jinyuan has been breathing heavily, and it is hot and hot. After burning, Ye Jian slowly opened his eyes from the squat, slowly lowered his head, and then… stupid.

The silly Ye Jian whole person is just staring at the head that is being held by himself. Although the strength of his hand is loose, it is obvious that the head in her arms is not meant to be lifted!


In my mind, the leaves are blank.

That is to say, she just felt very comfortable, very agitated, and there is no way to describe the idiots, because of the movement of the summer team?

The face, red and red, and both hands could not help but grasp the quilt, Ye Jian was nervous and even slammed his hands and feet.

Ye Jian, who is stunned by the whole person, feels that his breathing is not very smooth, and the brain is even more chaotic.

Next… What will the summer team do next?

Is it really what?

Will she refuse?

It seems a bit not.

Can’t refuse, in case… what if there is anything, what should I do?

Still refused as well.

Can the Xia team really want to think about it?

Where can she bear to refuse.

The inner leaf Jane is engaged in the battle between heaven and man. He wants to refuse and refuses to refuse. For the first time, Ye Jian feels that he has encountered a problem that is extremely difficult to solve.

Refuse? Do not refuse? No matter which one you choose, you have a headache!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to start a mischievous summer and today, I still don’t understand what happened, his girl has woken up.

But I didn’t dare to move, so he took the opportunity to smash.

After he finished, he looked up from Ye Jian’s arms, and the handsome, dark and dark eyes looked at Ye Jian.

Later, he hooked his mouth and revealed the familiar smell of Ye Jian, who said, “I almost didn’t ruin me, but my lungs are good, I am.”


What did he say? What do you want to say? Also pointed out what?

In the brain, Ye Jian, who is still fighting with the heavens, seems to hear what Xia Jinyuan said, and it seems that he did not hear it clearly.

She looked around and looked at Xia Jinyuan, who wrote all the “bad” eyes on her face, squinted her eyes, and then licked her lips. Her head didn’t even know what to think.

After a while, Ye Jian raised his hand and gently poked his forehead with a finger, and used a finger to poke the head away from his own arms.

After the poke, what should she say?

(End of this chapter)

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