Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4165 - I have to solve it.

Chapter 4165 is to be solved.

The black and black sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful look at him, the red cheeky licks a little bit of purity that doesn’t understand anything, and the little lips and lips, who don’t know where they are, don’t know how to do it. What is the confusion, let Xia Jinyuan not hold back, the eyes of the blind smile.

Low, mellow, extraordinarily sexy.

Laughter made Ye Jian’s face hotter. In the face of this kind of thing, Ye Jian always knew that he was at a disadvantage.

Even if the man she loves is also a raw hand, he has always dominated.

“I need to… the last… the bathroom.”

The voice is small, and the face is red enough to be drunk.

Danger, danger, not ordinary danger, but… high risk!

Xia Jinyuan knew what she was playing in her heart at a glance, and his girl wanted to escape.

I want to escape, I can’t escape for a while.

This day, it is still growing.

Ye Jian climbed up the bed, too nervous, and when he got out of bed, he also hit a squat, waiting for Xia Jinjin to reach out and help him. With his own fitness hand, he stood still after two steps, holding his slippers. Go straight to the bathroom.

It’s true that the bathroom is true, and it’s true to calm yourself down.

I rushed to the bathroom and saw that I could wash myself in the mirror. It looked like… Ye Jian couldn’t help but hide his face. It’s too much… red face, drunk eyes, still There is a red mark on the chest that I don’t know when I left it. In my mind, Ye Jian flashes an idiom: National Color.

Isn’t it the national color?

In the eyes of Xia Jinyuan, the girl who was awakened by him was the national fragrance, which made him sink.

Growing up, I really grew up.

I haven’t hugged her for almost a year and a half. Take a good look at her. This morning, when he gently picked up her clothes, the spring scenery that caught his eyes made his nose burst into heat, and he had a little nosebleed.

Washed lead, muscles such as gelatin, the spring of the garden has been closed.

She has been guarding her for so many years, from the age of fourteen to twenty-two, from youth to maturity, from weak to strong, the girl he has been waiting for has finally grown up.

Comrade Xia, who was lying in bed, sighed with satisfaction, and the fruit was already cooked. Would he like to pick it?

Pick it up, her Xu familymate is a kind of spiritual, otherwise it will not deliberately let the little fox pay attention to safety.

The so-called “attention to safety” refers to paying attention to his boyfriend, don’t go too far.

Don’t pick it…

Xia Jinyuan picked up the quilt and bowed his head. He looked at the little brother who was full of spirits. After so long, it was really hard.

You can’t be seen by the little fox’s roommate, and you can’t grieve yourself. Then choose a compromise solution.

How to make a compromise, this has to be a summer comrade to think about it.

Ye Jian is not familiar with this aspect, she can’t think of it.

After washing his face, brushing his teeth, and then smashing the leaves in the bathroom, he finally walked out of the bathroom after fifteen minutes. When he came out, he saw the man in bed lying naked and sitting on the bed with his mobile phone. Know who is talking to.

Ye Jian saw his strong upper body, his footsteps were a retreat, and he was like a contraction.

Seeing that she came out, Xia Jinyuan did not give Ye Jian a chance to retreat. He grabbed his mobile phone and smiled at the phrase “come over” and patted the position around him to continue talking with his comrades at the end of the phone.

“You guys play first, I don’t know that there is still a week to come back. Don’t ask where I am, your brain thinks early, how, and want to see my jokes? Go, my jokes, you want to see To.”

“Where? Outside!”

Last night from Changsha to Guangzhou, there was something during the day. At 6 o’clock in the afternoon, I returned to Changsha from Guangzhou. At this time, I coded on the train and there were two thousand words. This car… arrived at the station.

High sugar has made so much, and then diabetes has come out.

I tend to drive after graduation. It is really inappropriate to drive now. I am awkward to write.

(End of this chapter)

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