Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4219 - Stop and don't run

Chapter 4219, stop and run

Finally, Ye Jian, who was not crying, was blurred again. His lips were gently moved and gently said: “Brother, you will be happy, you will be very happy and happy.”

Grandpa didn’t make a mistake. Her brother was alone for too long. He needs another person to accompany him. The rest of his life is still very long. She will be happy with the summer team for the rest of her life. The rest of her life will be happy with her grandmother.

“Brother, do you remember the anniversary year? I have seen her!”

Ye simply raised his voice, and suddenly came a word that made Xia Jinyuan want to lick her mouth too late, and the sound of the high has already been passed out.

The voice reached the ear of Li Yannian. He made a slight stroke and turned to look at his sister. He did not answer and nodded lightly.

Remember, a… policewoman who dared to search for him.

Why can you think of it all at once?

Because, for the first time, he was touched by an adult woman from the shoulder to the leg. When he touched it down, he reminded the policewoman who lacked practical experience. “If I am a criminal, when you face me, I search.” And I want to continue to search down. I will pull out the weapon from the side into your neck, cut off your arteries, wear your trachea, let the blood fall into the lungs. “”

He just kindly reminded him, then questioned and finally went to Dan Guiyuan.

The impression was too deep, so that Ye Jianyi mentioned it and immediately thought of it.

Ye Jian also wants to say something, Xia Jinyuan has already caught her mouth and quickly rushed into the path.

His little ancestors, crying, don’t know where?

Such a quiet place also dared to speak loudly, she did not forget the picket in the military school!

I forgot when I spoke, and when she fled, she remembered again.

“Students, stand up! Don’t run!”

Because the sound of picketing has already sounded, I don’t know where they were just now.

Li Lannian looked at the three figures that suddenly burst out of the roadside shadows and silently turned around. He did not mix this kind of thing.

Picket, the students who attended the military academy know that the pickets in the military academy are not easy to provoke, even if he is not a student now, he will not confront the pickets.

In particular, the picket of the National Science University is said to have been criticized until a head is not strictly armed.

Big Brother Li Yinian once again abandoned it.

This object of disregarding also included a sister.

Xia Jinyuan took the leaf and cooked the road, and there were many cameras in the military academy. Especially now, the camera is three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle. He has not come to the National Science University for a long time. No.

Therefore, Xia Jinyuan did not run again when he ran to the shadows. He tightened Ye Jian’s hand to bypass a green shrub belt and led Ye Jian back.

To the contrary, it is appropriate, his identity, Ye Jian’s identity, enough to eliminate the picket’s doubts about the two.

The picket that has been chased has already seen the two figures coming to them, one high and one short, a bit like the two people who just ran, a bit like, but not like.

The students who caught the discipline at night were always picky and difficult. Looking at the two people coming on the road, the pick-up of the running slowed down, and then stood in front of the two people, seriously: “Hello, please show your credentials.”

Picket has the right to view the documents, the military style is violated by them, and the registration of the documents is waiting for the weekly criticism.

(End of this chapter)

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