Chapter 4220 Assigning Boyfriends

Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan both took out the documents at the same time. After three minutes, the two continued to move forward and stood again to the place where the three people stood.

At this moment, Ye Jian still wants to cry, and she sees the man who is close to the picket, and she wants to laugh.

“I used to be so honest with you, picketing and trying to catch me is harder than going to heaven. Even if I catch me, I can’t correct my picket.”

Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows and said quite proudly. “When you see the picket, you can’t panic first. If you panic, you will be miserable. Learn, and have a student career for a year.”

“When you are in school, you are a faculty member, a team cadre, and a leading headache student. Therefore, picketing will often catch you. I am different. Picket sees that I will smile and will not come over to check my documents.”

Ye Jianxiao glared at the handsome and gentle man in the light and shadow. “I just got it because of you, I will be picked up and checked.”

“Yes, yes, all the little ancestors said. If you didn’t call you so loudly, the picket will not come over.” Xia Jinyuan, who has a darling eye, used his fingers to scrape the nose of the blade, and smiled and said: “The courage is really fat. I used to let the school have a headache at that time. I didn’t dare to shout in the middle of the night.”

Ye Jian’s face is red, whispered: “Forget it for a while.”

“So I said that you are daring, right, who is the anniversary year? What is the relationship with the older brother?”

Unfamiliar name, he first mentioned her mention.

“A policewoman, a misunderstanding finally became my brother to take her back to Danguiyuan to verify her identity, Grandpa also misunderstood that she is my brother’s girlfriend.”

Ye Jian picked up the key point and said that after Xia Jinyuan had thought for a while, he slowly said: “The big brother just nodded, it seems that the big brother is very impressed with the anniversary year.”

“Grandpa will not make mistakes when he sees people. The old man said that the anniversary year and the big brother are very suitable. It must be very suitable. Since the big brother is very impressed with the anniversary year, he can really try to communicate.”

“I think too, but now it is not, she is not in the country now, she has to come back next year.” Ye Jian sighed softly, thinking of a lonely figure in the dim light, Ye Jian’s eyes slightly dim, “aunt After the trip, my brother was very poor at the Li family. Grandpa said that Mrs. Xiaoli also planned to kidnap her brother. If it wasn’t for the big brother, she was kidnapped and cheated.

“Big brother, despite the identity of the Li family, Li Laozi did not accept the big brother, only to make the big brother’s life difficult. The summer team, the big brother hopes that the rest of my life is happy, I also hope that the older brother is happy.”

“You said that when I arrived, would you like to match two people and let the two try to see? I have a mobile phone number every year.”

“You can try, the bachelors in our army, except for friends and relatives, there is no other way to contact girls.”

Ye Jian grinned. “Let the country give you a girlfriend.”

“National distribution? You can think of it too.”

“I believe that there must be many girls waiting for the country to assign you to them.” Ye Jian laughed in his eyes and looked like a star, bright and shining.

The country allocated boyfriends and girlfriends… Xia Jinyuan was told by her that she laughed deeply. “Then I went back to the team and talked to the bachelors. Let them not worry, the country will assign them girlfriends, but it will be a matter of time.”

Ye Jian also laughed and laughed, but fortunately she did not need the country to assign her boyfriend, she, have it.

(End of this chapter)

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