Chapter 4238

The civil war in Libya was initiated by the government forces led by the aborigines and the patriotic team led by the NPEL leaders. The war between the two factions continued until the end of the 1980s, and the involvement of illegal militants made the Libyan state It is even more chaotic, and there is no way to keep civilians in normal life.

This time, the NRFL militants tried to take the train station and port of the small coastal town in the north of Cowell. The war was launched at 4 pm local time, so that the small coastal city that was still calm was caught in the bullets.

Countless civilians simply did not have time to react, and they lost their lives under the power of heavy weapons such as rockets and mortars. The entire coastal city was shrouded in death, and the smog of the sky was like a dead nerve, taking away one after another. life.

They are still waiting for Ye Jian’s arrival in Li Yinian. They received news that the coastal small city “Yi Nicheng” was in a war. The news was that the Chinese peacekeeping force’s engineering construction squadron in the city of Nigni had received information and received a message in Keweier. The engineering construction team of the town immediately entered the first-level readiness.

“The blue bird has not arrived yet, and the city of Nizhny is in chaos. Then we have to enter the city of Nissan to search?” The big man who rushed into the tent has not yet stood still, and the voice has come to his voice. “And Nie, Several villages in the town of Cowell are our search area, and now the war is chaotic, and the clues will be interrupted.”

According to the abandonment of the missing ship, the direction of the final footsteps and the disappearance of the vehicle tires all point to the two places of the city of Nikko and Kewei. The town of Keweier is a local indigenous, and several nearby villages are the key search places for the storm commando. Now Just wait for the blue bird to come into the village to find out.

As a result, they have not made progress. There is a war in the city of Nie, near the town of Coville. If the missing commissioners, trainees, and translators are in these two places, will it be transferred because of the outbreak of war?

Li Lannian is worried that he will be transferred.

Jun Yan was cold and he stared at the military map on the folding table. His eyes were fixed on the places where they focused on searching. Why did he hijack the Chinese commissioner who supported Libya? What is their purpose?

Why did you hijack from the beach, but you still have to take the land without taking the sea?

I walked in the direction of the town of Nieki and Kewell, and where did they go?

Li Yinian, who stared at the military map, was cold and cold. Finally, his line of sight slowly swept along a railway line, and the dark eyes covered the darkness. Finally, his line of sight was locked to Also the city of Nie.

It is also the only railway station that can pass normally by train. It connects Libya’s capital. If there are refugees who want to flee, most of them will take the train protected by the government army and flee to the capital, then go south and enter Libya’s largest. port.

Then, since the people who hijacked the Chinese commissioner did not leave the sea lane and took the land road, then… Is it possible that they want to take the hijacked Chinese commissioner, trainees, and translators to take the train?

Take the train to leave Libya? Or is there another picture?

Do not.

They will not leave Libya by train. If they really want to leave Libya, why bother to take the extra road to the city of Nie.

One hand armed with the Type 95 automatic rifle, the peacekeeper who had already entered the first-level combat readiness came in, and at the moment the other party walked in, the look of Li Lannian looked up and settled.

(End of this chapter)

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