Chapter 4239

When he turned his head, he asked Dad, “How many troops does our country’s peacekeepers in the city of Nepal have?”

Daxie was asked, “I really don’t know, I will ask now.”

“Reporting, there is a row of troops in the peacekeepers in the city of Denis, and there is also a road maintenance engineering team, but also a row of troops.”

The incoming peacekeepers accurately reported the strength of the Chinese peacekeepers in Nie.

Li Lannian’s gaze and his voice asked: “How many peacekeeping forces are there in the town of Kewell.”

“The same strength as the city of Nie, is two troops.”

Then there are a total of four rows of troops, about 120 to 160 peacekeepers, not many troops, but also have enough shock.

Li Lannian did not ask the peacekeeper who came here to have anything. He had a little clue on this side to get it.

As the twilight became colder, he asked again, “Is there any dialogue between the NRFL militants and you?”

“There were two times, but they were all stopped by the government.”

“Do you know what they want to negotiate?”

Li Yinian was almost a question to pursue a question. The peacekeepers also quickly responded. “The content is not clear, and our army does not participate in the confrontation between the two countries.”

Could it be that the NRFL militants who are fighting with the government forces hijacked the Chinese experts to complete the negotiations with the Chinese peacekeeping forces?

This can also be reluctant to explain why we should hijack our people, but we can barely explain it. The root cause is still untenable. It is only hijacked by negotiations. Li Lannian always feels that he has missed something.

He is still thinking, the peacekeeper has already said what he is doing here.

Two boys who ran to the Chinese side of the camp and asked for help from the Chinese peacekeeping forces said that they saw several Chinese people sitting in military trucks in the city of Yemen.

After receiving the latest news, the Chinese missing experts, trainees, and translators appeared in the city of Yeoni at around 6 pm yesterday. They were sitting in a military truck and driving the NPFL militants.

The clues were two sixteen- and seven-year-old boys who fled from the city of Nie to the town of Coville and planned to walk to the capital.

To be on the safe side, Li Lannian took out a few photos with strange faces for them to argue. One recognized the translation of Yang Heng and one recognized the expert.

The two boys stayed in the Chinese engineering construction camp in the town of Kewell. One was protection, and the other was disguised, because the news was that they were sent out. It was true and false and they waited until they knew it.

So far, the chaotic environment has made the storm commando’s search work very difficult. It is true or false. Just two black boys recognize the translation of Yang Heng and Miao Commissioner.

Before departure, Li Lannian told the engineering squadron commander in the construction camp. Once the female soldiers who supported them arrived, let her immediately go to the city of Nissan, and left the established wireless communication equipment, as long as they entered the city. You can then locate and contact.

Li Lannian had already known that they had been in the war in Nie, and they were not too small, but they did not expect to be seventeen kilometers away from Nie. They had not crossed the tropical rain forest. The “water ghosts” of the storm commando did not expect Nie. The chaos in the city turned out to be a large-scale war.

After taking a few telescopes, I climbed to the tree and watched the scouts watching it. I looked around the tree and climbed down from the tree.

(End of this chapter)

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