Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4297 - Very hot (4.28 has double monthly pass)

Chapter 4297 is very hot (4.28 has double monthly pass)

As he guessed, the storm commando’s water ghosts are difficult to move. Although the peacekeeping camp is in the suburbs of Nissan, it still belongs to the city of Nissan. After more than two hours, they just came out of the city of Neville into the jurisdiction of the town of Kewell.

“Everything is fine, I will arrive in the town of Cowell as soon as possible. I just talked to the Central School of the town of Cowell. The town’s target situation is still calm. There are a large number of government troops stationed. You are safer to enter the town of Cowell. “”

Half a day, the “water ghosts” have become safe and nothing has become the best news that the squadron leader has received. Nothing is fine. Nothing is fine. A group of brothers can be a group of brothers.

The squadron leader who finished the call suddenly fell, and they were fine, so the special materials carried were also fine.

The situation in Nieki City is still not clear to them, but after the end of the conversation with the squadron leader, Li Yannian was keen to sniff out the unusual squadron leader, and he thought a little about it. He immediately contacted the Chinese camp in the town of Kewell.

“Illegal armed elements have sufficient strength, the government has lost the opportunity, and the whole city has fallen into full shape. You have to take a step early, or you will be trapped.”

“The president gave a notice and let the old wish them to take time to retreat. Now it has been more than an hour since I wished that they did not retreat. The civilian wounded who were sent over was dragged.”

The Lieutenant Colonel of the Cowell Township Camp is full of sound. “I have sent a battalion support in the past, and I hope I can safely evacuate.”

“In addition, we also lost contact with the mines. There are still ten Chinese employees who have stayed because of the disagreement of Libyan employees. Now they can’t contact and don’t know what the situation is. Waiting for the old ones to send out two classes of soldiers. Back to the news.”

The lieutenant colonel did not know that he wished the lieutenant colonel not to tell all the difficulties at the moment. He thought that the brothers who came to support even knew that he also asked Li Lannian to inquire about the situation in Nie, and put the most serious problems at present. Telling Li Lannian, he did not say: “The United Nations convened an emergency meeting and sent UN members to negotiate with Libyan illegal militants to mediate the fighting.”

This is a matter in Libya. All peacekeeping operations must be strictly neutral, do not interfere in the internal affairs of the country where they are located, and do not favor any party in the conflict. Therefore, even if illegal militants are operating in the city of Nie, the peacekeepers have no power. Intervention, can only send people to mediate.

The illegal militants also made use of this point. Therefore, they rarely opened fire to the peacekeeping forces. Today they opened a special train to open fire to the Chinese peacekeeping camp. The result was a heavy lesson. The 100 troops sent out were all cleared by the Chinese side. Finished.

When negotiating with representatives of UN members and illegal militants, the other party deliberately concealed the matter, not to mention that they opened fire on the Chinese peacekeeping camp. Then, the new force was re-mobilized and went to the Chinese camp.

I got the news that the Chinese camp in Libya has more money than gold in the two camps. If it is found, some people are willing to sell high and sell, and provide a group of sophisticated weapons, including heavy weapons.

This is a condition for the other party to open out. It is quite attractive. The heads of illegal armed militants accept negotiations from representatives of UN members while secretly sending troops to the Chinese camp.

The Russian soldiers sent by the Russian side to support the Chinese camp have arrived. They have not rested. They immediately transferred some of the wounded to the Chinese camp, including four Chinese peacekeepers who had been seriously injured and rescued.

There are double monthly passes, there are double monthly passes, and I know… I missed what, who I am, where I am, why I don’t even know how to double the monthly pass.

Little goblins, give me strength!

(End of this chapter)

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