Chapter 4298 Retreat

In addition to the language exchanges in the country, the soldiers sent by the Russians exchanged English. I hope that the Chinese schools in the middle school can communicate with them. As for the peacekeepers, there is no way to communicate deeply. There is only a simple daily language exchange.

But fortunately, you don’t need to communicate too deeply, and you can use gestures in addition to the language, so you can understand what you want to express.

Four peacekeepers who were pulled back from the death line took the lead in the car. The Russian side considered a fairly comprehensive and sent an accompanying military doctor. The Chinese side also sent a accompanying military doctor and a nurse.

As for the Libyan civilians who have been sent to the Chinese military region, the Russian side has also transferred some, but not all, and there is no way. The Russian medical center is now overcrowded.

Soon the Russians sent the vehicles with the wounded, and the ten Russian soldiers had their own arrangements under the arrangement of the Lieutenant Colonel. With the support of the Russian soldiers, even if there were only ten, I wish the Lieutenant Colonel feels the weight. It’s a lot lighter.

The transfer of four seriously wounded peacekeepers has given the Lieutenant Colonel a lot of peace of mind.

The illegal militants only target the Chinese peacekeeping forces. The reason is that I wish the Lieutenant Colonel a worries. Fortunately, the most important things have already been transferred. Then I have to be attacked again, and then I will fight for a battle!

The support of the Russian side arrived in the Chinese camp. The “water ghosts” led by Li Lannian also knew how dangerous the Chinese side of the city was, and the mines lost their connection… Li Xiaonian, who ended the call, was chilled for a long time. Did not say a word.

The rest of the “water ghosts” are silent, and then… they must not leave like this. However, they have special materials that Guoqiang hopes. Is it back? A dilemma.

“Just leave like this… There will be more people who sacrifice.” Ye Jian said softly, the slender hands holding the rifle tightened to the cyan blood vessels on the back of the hand.

The surface is calm, and the leaves of the team have been gazing at the commander of the team. Now, waiting for the commander to make the decision.

Ye Jian opened his mouth, and the original low-lying players looked at their captains.

The silence of the atmosphere makes people feel depressed, and the mouth and nose seem to be caught by people, making the breathing extremely difficult and suffocating.

The Jade Bird did not make a mistake, so he left… There will be more people who sacrifice.

The spirit of Li Mo Wang, who received the attention of the players, did not change. He was still as cold as he was at the beginning. He said to the prawn: “Contact the country.”

Very calm, like a big difficult thing can be solved smoothly.


The prawns nod and immediately contacted the country.

The situation in Libya and Nigeria is tense. The military has been paying close attention. Now, China has dispatched two special forces to secretly go to the city of Nie. One is a trump card in the special forces. The strength of 15 people can reach one camp. The troops, they carried out assassinations and killed the head.

The situation of the Chinese military station in the city of Nigni is also very clear, and I wish the Lieutenant Colonel to pass his guess back to the country, so that the commander-in-chief of the calm summer will take the case.

It turned out that someone was eyeing a batch of materials that needed to be shipped back to China!

“Contact the storm commando team to see where they are currently, contact the civil transport plane that arrived in Nissan this morning, and immediately return to the storm commando!”

Since someone is eyeing the material, the materials protected by the storm commando team need to be shipped back to China!

(End of this chapter)

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