Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4308 - Go back alive (question for a monthly pass)

Chapter 4308 is alive and returning (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 4308

The gunshots alarmed the unresolved pro-military, and the chaos had not yet begun, but there was no way to continue to quietly assassinate.

The sneaked special forces knew the bad things when they heard the gunshots, and then saw the alarmed targets. They did not panic because they were hiding in the dark, but they gestured to each other. Then, the K7 tumbling toward the iron bottom deck. People have hidden in the corner.

He glanced over and stared at a wire.

Fingers pointed above, and then made a cross-cut gesture, X and Y two comrades gently nodded, K7 will destroy the wire, Y, X two comrades sneaked into the front several meters at a very fast speed.

Did not stop, and sneaked into the front a few meters, and the special forces around them also sneaked into a few meters. If they marched in a straight line, then everyone would divide the line into several sections, and the sections were guarded. Just wait for the enemy to come over and kill them one by one.

No one asked how suddenly there would be gunshots, and no one asked if anyone was hurt because they had no time to ask these things!

If someone is injured or killed… it can only be accepted!

This is itself an action with a mortality rate. The suicide note has already been written. If anyone does not return, the testament will be sent out.

“Hey, hey, hehe…”

Numerous footsteps came, and the front K7 slid lightly into the headset to tell the comrades to prepare for the battle.

The illegal militants who came running found the lights to go out, they slowed down, and in the dark they could clearly hear the sound of the bullets.

The gunshots caused them to be vigilant, but did not realize that the bottom compartment had been invaded.

After all, there have never been foreigners here, and their leaders have said that it is safer than Libya’s **** presidential palace.

“What happened in front! Sentinel, sentinel!”

Someone shouted loudly.

Then, someone answered the phrase “My pistol went off the fire”, so that Xia Jinyuan, who was breathing and suffocating his arm with a bandage to stop bleeding, could not help but laugh.

If the little fox is there, she will say more and more.

His arm was hit by a pistol bullet, not penetrating, and the bullet remained in the muscles, even if the arm was lifted lightly, the muscles of the whole body were tightened.

Xu thought of Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan inexplicably feels even painful and painful.

This is a **** battle, and even a **** battle of death, even if he is a captain, he does not know whether he can leave alive.

Cullo Caesardin is a small Libyan illegal militant, but he is definitely not a small leader. He also has a big brother on it. That guy is the real leader.

The Libyan government has always wanted to kill the two brothers. They have thought about it for ten years. As a result, they have no ability or opportunity to kill the two brothers.

I have thought about it for more than ten years, and it is a good thing to do today.

“How, can you still be jealous?”

Nearly G3 asked, he had a lot of blood and suffocation, and he had his own enemy. The face painted with oil was bloodstained. Even two eyebrows were glued by blood, hard and like. The clumsy makeup artist painted two hard eyebrows.

Xia Jinyuan used his teeth to bite his straps to complete the final step. He smiled coldly and said: “Can you stay alive and leave. Are you finished?”

“I can definitely go alive, not many!”

G3 hooks the corner of the mouth, there is a cold Ling Ling smile in his eyes.

The air under the bilge is getting worse and worse, the thick **** smell is filling all the corners, the fight has already begun, and the illegal militants who entered the ambush of the special forces finally found that they had been invaded here.

After the May 1st blink of an eye, why only three days off? How good it would be to continue the seven-day long vacation.

April is a bit wasteful, and you have to work hard in May.

Double monthly tickets are still going on, the little goblins are GO up, there are still updates tonight, the update in the early morning will also have drops, and the two days and a half of Qingyun’s heart code words.

(End of this chapter)

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