Chapter 4309 瓮中鳖

The violent screams flooded the entire bilge, and illegal militants discovered that someone in the bilge had sneaked into and killed the compatriots and began to fight back.

Someone tried to shoot, but no one gave him a chance. The dim light was extinguished all the way, they lost their direction, and they were quietly solved.

“Don’t give them too many opportunities to shoot.”

The “king” of the Snowland Brigade issued his orders. He did not like to be hard-hitting, and he did not like to see his comrades sacrifice himself for a war. He did not like this kind of unwise war.

He is more inclined to save his own strength and complete the task most effectively in the shortest and fastest time.

Concealed, secretly staring around, and then quietly reaching out and not making a half-point motion to solve one goal after another, clearing those potential dangers in the fastest time, so as to complete the task as soon as possible.

Now that I have been discovered, don’t rush to show up, the enemy is clear, I am in the dark, the advantage is on my own side, make good use of it and then quietly kill those targets like headless flies.


Someone in the dark made a painful struggle. He wanted to break free and want to breathe out loudly. He screamed that the sound of the cervical vertebrae was broken, and the head of the guy who wanted to break free fell to the ground in a strange posture.

The face, back, buttocks face up, the back of the head, but the chest is facing down. Obviously, someone turned his head in a direction.

The Snowy Brigade completed the last wave of assassinations. Then, the first shot was shot directly from the pistol.

“Oh…hey…” The low-pitched guns rang, and the illegal militants who heard the sounds still had time to shoot, not the head was hit, or the chest was hit, rushing at the fastest speed. Come out and get rid of the special forces of the Snowy Brigade at the fastest speed.

Z7 became very busy and busy. He cut the probes of the bottom compartment that had not been cleaned up into several small screens. Through the people in the small screen, people quickly reported to the comrades where there were targeted actions, where there were targets hidden. It allows the comrades to react quickly and complete the clearance.

As a person walking around a small screen turned into a comrade-in-arms, when three people in the small screen in the middle of the lock suddenly returned, the Z7 realized what it was.

He told K7 that he had never appeared: “Brother, come to you! Go to three meters, turn right!”

K7 didn’t talk. He only told Z7 that he knew that the sound of the Z7 in the headset had no previous smile. It was cold and cold. “Come with them and find the target.”

“X, Y, both of you cover K7!”

Xia Jinyuan was cold and **** with a **** voice coming into the ears of all his comrades. The arm was freely bandaged and he joined the battle to start the bloodiest clearing.

The bottom compartment is the lowest level of the cargo ship. It is also the scope of personal activities of Cullo Caesardin at night. The above people do not have his orders, and no one is allowed to approach at will.

Now the cockpit, which is completely destroyed by the power supply equipment, has become an isolated world. The illegal militants above do not know the following situation, and the illegal militants below cannot call for help, so they become shackles and are solved one by one. .

The gunshots have already rang, and the special forces seized the opportunity to assassinate and killed eight people. The rest was no way to assassinate again, only to shoot the target.

Not many, the remaining seven to eight people, including three people who withdrew to report to Cullo Caesardin.

(End of this chapter)

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