Chapter 4310 Key

Cullo Caesardin opened a large-caliber eagle rifle at the foot of the desk. He walked to the door and attached the ear to the door, listening to the outside.

There were gunshots outside, but it was very short. After a few sounds, it was calm again. However, even a few shots made Cullo Caesarin sink.

Here, how could there be gunshots?

Without hesitation, Cullo Caesardin immediately locked the round stainless steel door, then, black, he went to the front of the cabinet, opened the door and quickly changed clothes.

This is a set of diving equipment, fully equipped, enough for Cullo Caesardin to escape from the sea.

Outside, three illegal militants screamed at the hatch and shouted in their mouths, even though Cullo Caesardin could not hear what his subordinates said, but the sound of “咚咚咚” The crash made his face dark and dark.

Stupid things!

This is for those who sneak into the bottom compartment, obviously who is going to kill themselves, know where he is? !

A bunch of damn, stupid things!

The sullen Claude Caesardin cursed only in his heart, his hands kept moving, but he put on the diving suit in three minutes, then took the oxygen mask, carried the oxygen cylinder, and took the ankle in his hand. Skilled to rush to the right side of the cabin.

There is a door there. When you open the door, it is a densely packed integrated pipeline. There are sewer pipes, cable pipes, communication pipes, etc. The pipes are scattered across the top, and here is the bottommost layer of the entire cargo compartment. The drain port can be directly entered into the sea through the drain.

“Wang Shui” was poured onto the round hatch, and the closed hatch was invulnerable. Under the high corrosion of “Wang Shui”, a gap appeared little by little, and the anti-locking tips were eroded together.

K7 kicked the hatch open, and in the night vision goggles, there was no one in the cabin, and only a pile of clothes scattered around the corner of the cabinet.

X rushed up and picked up the clothes. “The body temperature is still there, running for no more than three minutes!”

“Here!” Y found a closed small door, very short, and needed to bend over to pass. The tight face he pulled and pulled down, and the outside was locked.

“I entered the entrance of the drainage and the pipeline. He wanted to escape from the drain. The clothes that were taken off showed that he changed the diving suit!”

Y said, once again used “Wang Shui”, this time “Wang Shui” is more useful than bullets, bullets will be difficult to penetrate all the doors made of thick steel, high corrosion “Wang Shui “It can be done.”

“Q King, Cullo Caesardin intends to escape from the drain!”

K7 reported the news, and then, the voices of the running outside, the comrades who cleared all the targets outside, all rushed over.

It’s already the last crucial time, how can people escape?

“E6, E6, the target is ready to escape from the drain, go to the mouth to kill! Z7 continues to wirelessly shield!” The face is so cold that Xia Jinyuan, like a thick layer of ice, adjusts the deployment, and then all of them will drain from The mouth left, so the plan to return the original road was cancelled.

“Roger that!”

At the commanding height, the E6 regained its weight. His weight, weighing more than ten kilograms, was still brisk, and he was not running like he was carrying more than ten kilograms.

The small door was successfully opened, and the three special forces in the operation took the lead in rushing in. Then, the comrades in the back followed up, and the two comrades who were responsible for the post-disarming guard finally left.

(End of this chapter)

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