Chapter 4312 is boundless

At the same time, the illegal militants found that all the walkie-talkies in their hands had lost their effect. They tried to contact the following. The walkie-talkie was quiet and there was no sound of a single wave of electric waves.

Something went wrong, there must be something wrong!

They all know the following incidents, but they have no way to go down. The hatch that requires a password to enter has blocked them from going, obviously knowing the following incidents, everyone can only do nothing.

Z7 collected all of its equipment and quickly moved closer to the comrades, retreating from the drain, and then leaving at the end of the port, avoiding the important anti-ship of Cullo Caesardin until leaving the port.

The waves are very big, jumping from the water outlet. Xia Jinyuan’s injured arm is suddenly stimulated by the sea water to the thin lip, and the wound can not spread the salt.

It hurts for a while, and the codename “Sandstorm Action” was successfully completed without the sacrifice of comrades.

The boundless darkness engulfed the ten-way figure, the intertwined wind and rain covered the applause between each other, leaving a string of footprints on the beach, and the footprints left by the waves disappeared without a trace.

Cullo Caesardin, one of the leaders of the Libyan government who had caught one of the illegal organizations for ten years, fell at a distance of less than one meter from the mouth of the mouth. The blood of the cockroaches dripped out the drooling and dripping. Rising into the currents.

In the abandoned cargo ship, the door with the password installed was shot by bullets, leaving a lot of pits and holes in the pits, and the cabin was still closed, there was no way to break open.

The illegal militants outside have been searching around. In the rain, they are chasing after the rain. When the power supply equipment is destroyed, they use the strong light bulbs. As a result, apart from discovering their countless compatriots who have already been killed, they have never found anything.

Look up at the sea and look around the port. It is dark everywhere. Besides the sound of the wind, the sound of the rain, the sound of the waves, even the voices of their own people are not clear.

I don’t know how long it took, the damaged backup power supply was finally repaired, and was hired by Cullo Caesardin. The technicians in the hulk were able to restart the computer, but found that the probe data in the bottom compartment was completely destroyed. The way through the database is to know what is going on in the bottom compartment.

Look at their firewalls, they know that the firewall is compromised, and all traces are erased before the other party leaves, so that they have no way to capture data, chasing who is invading the database.

Libya was 11 o’clock local time, and the technicians who spent more than two hours finally succeeded in deciphering the four passwords of the password door. When the hatch opened, the thick blood came to the surface, and the blood flowed into the river, and countless fell to the ground. Illegal militants are just like being killed by the sea monsters.

Finding Cullo Caesardin has arrived in Libya local time until 11:30 in the evening, and the broken Curo Caesardin made all the illegal militants who followed him angry, and then, the brother of Cullo Caesardin, illegally armed The No. 1 leader learned that his brother was dead and began to plot to launch a new round of war against the government.

At this point, the bullets in Xia Jinyuan’s arm were finally taken out, the bloodshot warhead fell to the ground, and the ground was left with some blood stains. Xia Jinjin kicked the bullet into the dark corner.

“The muscles are strong enough and the luck is good. There is no nerve damage.”

K7, who picked out the warhead, said calmly. Facing the wounded wound, the forensic doctor did not even raise his brow. From the beginning of debridement to the end of suturing, it was done in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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