Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4313 - She is also (double monthly ticket GO)

Chapter 4313 She is also (double monthly ticket GO)

They have left the port and walked for nearly two hours in the rain to find a shelter from the rain.

This time, the only shot was Xia Jinyuan, except for some bruises, which directly eliminated the poison, and even the straps were saved.

Not yet bandaged, Z7 came over and said low: “The boss is looking for you.”

The voice of the boss, Major General Yang, came from the headset and talked alone, but did not let all the special forces hear it.

“The Chinese side has an accident in a mine that produces important materials. There are 12 Chinese employees. 64 Libyan local employees are controlled by illegal militants. A brother you are familiar with has been rushed to rescue.”

76 hostages need to be rescued, and the eyes of the cold and sinking summer and today asked, “Is there any casualties?”

“There is no information received, the other party shields the entire mine area communication, even if there is…” Yang Shao sighed softly, hiding the words that had not spoken, and said: “Because of the hostages, the peacekeepers who returned to the camp reported that they were illegal. There are many armed men and they carry excellent weapons. For the sake of caution, you have to support in the past.”

Cullo Caesardin was successfully killed. Major Yang will know the situation at the first time. At the same time, he will learn more about the situation of the special forces who are performing the task. A “desert operation” with a mortality rate is “zero” and is waiting in the country. At the moment when the news of Yang Shaozhi heard it, my heart was still stunned.


Chinese good man!

Once again, Yang gave consideration to the situation of all the soldiers under him. If he could, he would like to let the soldiers who are proud of them rest well. However, everything is just what he thinks.

After listening to Xia Jinyuan, he swept his eye-wrapped wound and replied: “You can make another ticket. I don’t know which brother is connected. Can you contact?”

Major General Yang replied: “The storm commando team is all acquaintances who have been trained together.”

The voice of the young officers was full of enthusiasm, some arrogance, some cold, more of a soldier’s self-confidence, and people’s confidence.

Xia Jinyuan, who was sitting on the ground, was so excited that he used his mouth to look at his brothers and said, “There is a new life.” When he was cold, he replied: “There has been no cooperation with them for a long time. , we will act immediately!”

Yang Shaojun reported the coordinates of the mining plant, Xia Jinyuan re-synthesized to Z7, after several sounds of the keyboard, he knew the specific location of the mine, and stared at the military portable Xia Jinyuan slightly tightened his eyes.

He asked: “Is there any other instructions besides the rescue of the hostages?”

A mine in the depths of the rain forest, what is the value of illegal militants, and blocked the news of the mine.

“Blow up the mine directly, including equipment that has not been transferred in time.”

“Roger that!”

Xia Jinyuan thought that the call would end. Unexpectedly, Yang Shaojun suddenly threw a deep-water bomb, letting Xia Jinyuan wonder if he was wrong.

“Blue Bird? You said the Bluebird… Now with the Devil? She is working with the water ghosts?”

Not long ago, he thought about the little fox, and he told him directly that the girl he was thinking about was also in Libya, and he was also carrying out the task with the storm commando water ghosts who would join.

This news has made the Xia Jinyuan, which has always been calm, not calm.

What are you waiting for!

Go fast!

The girl who should be studying in China actually ran out to perform the task. She also fought side by side with the water ghosts who wanted to take her away. The brothers of the Navy did not have the right ribs. Looking for the army’s blue bird?

Good night, good night, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow.

Double monthly tickets must be violently made.

(End of this chapter)

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